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Long, long ago, when magic turned the world, in a time some cannot remember, but our hearts will never a kingdom past the ferocious puma of the Golden Mountains...just above the deadly skulls of the Jungles Lands...and just below the magical roosters of Luna Island...resting above an ancient secret lake,was the legendary Kingdom of Teca.There, the ancients told of a great prophecy...that a Mighty Eagle and three Courageous Jaguars...would one day vanquish the Dark Lords of the Underworld! But know this, though prophecies may give hop, the battle will still be fought...for victory rides on the shoulders of heroes!

However, the ancients told a second prophecy. Unknown to the mortals, but known to the gods.

The bridge of both worlds will be made,

Guardian of the dead,

Guardian of the forgotten.

Their birth will change the fate of the sun and moon,

Made for the moon,

Raised by the eagle,

Birthed by the dead,

They alone will change what fate wrote.

Many would wondered about the meaning of the prophecy, but only one would know the meaning of the prophecy on the day their child was born.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2022 ⏰

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