experience is the best training

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April and Y/N had made their way to the lair.

"Ayooo! April O'Neil in the house!"


Mikey screamed happily, running towards her to give her a hug.

"Y/N is here too! They told me they met you, soooo.."

Raph walked over to the two.

"Heya Y/N! Glad to see you came back!"

Leo was training over in the corner, he hadn't noticed the two humans arrive.

"Glad to be back!"

"Prince Harry" by sohodolls began to play in their headphones. They smiled at the song, they love it. Donnie too loved this song, Y/N learned that yesterday when the two were jammy jamming.

Mikey didn't give them a hug, but he did greet them.

Everyone walked over to the main sitting area, and took a seat to start chatting.

"Oh, hey April! Y/N!"

Leo walked over to the group, took a seat on the same couch as Raph, and crossed his legs over Raphs lap while spreading his arms out. He stretched, then relaxed and slumped. Raph sighed, and allowed this.

"Hey Leo!!"

April replied.


Y/N added to April's reply.

The group continued talking, though Leo added himself into the conversation.

After a little while, Mikey became restless.

"Aaaaaaah.. I'm hungry!!"

"Well then, go get some pizza."

Leo replied to Mikey's comment, and he shrugged.

"I mean I could eat, go get us some food Mikey!"

Raph added.

"Aaawe, why me??"

"Because you said it first."

"Yeah, you mentioned it."

Raph and Leo smirked at eachother, then at Mikey. He pouted, then got up, and headed to the exit.

"I'll be back in a little bit! Don't wait up!"

"We won't!"

Leo spoke, laughing in a joking manner.

Mikey stuck his tongue out at Leo, then left the lair.

The group continued to chat, and once again the music from Donnie's room became louder. Everyone ignored it for a while, until it got a little bit too loud.

Y/N didn't mind, they were vibing. They were head bobbing, and tapping their leg to the music.

"Y/N, how do you like this kind of music?"

Raph asked, about to get up to go tell Donnie to turn the music down.

"Dunno, it's cool. We just have different tastes!"

Raph made an 'ugh' sound, and barged into Donnie's room telling him to turn the music down.

Y/N was slightly disappointed, but the music continued. It was a tad more quiet, but they continued jamming as the others were talking.

Y/N would join in the conversing every now and then, if they had something to say, but most of the chat they were just enjoying the music.

Then, the same song they were listening to earlier started playing.

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