invigorating night above the city lights

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Everyone was just finishing up the picnic food. Everything was delicious, and the drinks had gone not too long ago.

Donnie was on the brink of falling asleep, but he continuously took sips of his coffee, and each time he did you could see the adrenaline do its job.

Y/N was chatting with the brothers, as they rested their head on Donnie's right leg.

He was sitting cross-legged watching the city in its sleeping state, while Y/N was laying down with their head in his lap.

The brothers found this amusing, but didn't say anything.

They were talking about how it was nice to finally have a break, and how beautiful the city was at this time.

They hadn't been out of the sewers to just chill in.. forever. It was nice.

But, they decided to pack up. All the food was gone, as where the drinks.

Y/N begrudgingly got off of Donnie's lap, and he seemed a little saddened by this.

Everyone got up and put the plates, cups etc. in the bag, and they rolled up the blanket.

They all headed to the lair, but they went the long way.

Instead of going back the way they came, they walked around through the forest.

It wasn't quite dark yet, the light from the sun still lingered even though it was now completely set.

A few faint god rays pushed their way through the leaves in the trees, as they swayed delicately in the light breeze.

Everyone was chatting, slowly mooching through the beautiful woods.

Donnie had finished his coffee and he seemed a little more awake now.

They were all strolling through the forest, calmly listening to the trees sway.

Mikey, April and Raph were conversing, while Leo was watching Donnie and Y/N walk together.

Donnie took a deep breath, and slid his hand into Y/Ns. He wrapped his fingers around theirs, and squeezed lightly.

They shivered a little, feeling Donnie's hand slide into a comfortable position. They clenched their fingers lightly in return, as the two were now holding hands.

Leo saw this, and smirked. He was going to walk over to the two, and tease them.. but he was actually quite considerate, and realised that'd break the atmosphere. He smiled gently, as the two walked along side eachother, hands intertwined.

Leo joined in the conversation with the others, as Donnie and Y/N began chatting about a whole other subject.

Butterflies, to be exact.


They exited the forest, and by this point the whole rest of the group had noticed the two holding hands. Mainly because Leo told them.

Mikey and April squeeled lightly, but Raph just signed with a gentle smirk.

The group began to walk back to the sewers, but Donnie stopped walking.

".. you guys go on ahead, we'll catch up."

He spoke. Y/N was slightly confused, but the rest of the group had a small hunch as to what his plan was.

The others agreed, and continued walking home. Donnie turned to
Y/N, still holding their hand.

"I want to take you somewhere. You mind?"

He asked them.

They smiled softly, and replied:

"Sure! Where, exactly?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2022 ⏰

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