Chapter seven

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TW)) This chapter contains blood, panic, death, vomiting, and swearing. Reader discretion is advised.

"So, James, how are you going to take me out to eat if you don't have a car?" Carter asked. The two toms were sitting on a bench outside of the apartment building.

"Well, I have a few ideas. One, we could walk, or two, we could take the bus." James answered, a glimmer in his eye. He was staring off into the distance, towards the hedges. The turned his ears in all directions, as he heard something there. It could be one of the members of project immortality, he thought to himself in a whimper.

Then, all of a sudden, he heard a deer call. It was Morie's deer call. James hadn't fed Carter, and his heart raced from not knowing what to do. Morie knew he was off with Carter, and wouldn't interrupt unless something was really wrong.

"Carter, that was my friend... I, uh, have to go- but you can order out, right?" James asked, stuttering nervously.

"Oh, yes, of course! I can order. I just need the money..." Carter mewed. James handed over the ten dollars in his pocket. Carter stood up. He looked at james with a friendly smile and a nod before heading back inside.

James looked around to make sure Carter wasn't around before crossing the road, and slipping into the hedges.

As soon as his tall body was on the other side of the hedges, Morie's deer-scent filled his nose. James started to follow his friend's scent. it lead to a tree. Morie still remembered how to help James find him- scratch his cheek on a tree. Morie poked his head out from behind the tree. Panic was washed over his face.

"What's wrong?" James asked sympathetically. 

"James Ulybka! Gosh dammit, you were supposed to come back! Ugh, anyways, alright alright. The problem is Cleo," Morie suttered while speaking quickly and anxiously.

"What about Cleo?" James asked, tilting his head in confusion.

"She- ugh James just come with me, take my hand!" Morie said, reaching his hand out to grab James's paw. James hesitated slightly before grabbing Morie's hand. The two friends started running off into the woods. Morie was going a bit too fast, leaping over tree roots.

"MORIE! Gosh Dangit slow down!" James screeched.

"Hurry up!" Morie said, slowing his pace just a small bit so the brown tom could keep up.

The leaves crunched under the two's feet, and James tried his best to keep up with Morie's pace. But Morie is a deer, he has a lot of running energy. James yowled out, a signal for Morie to slow down. But they were a the factory already. James could hear clanging, and his nose picked up a familiar scent. A tang that used to calm him, and even drug him. But now it worried him.


"What the hell?" James murmured.

"Don't 'what the hell' me! Come on, in now!" Morie cried out. He ran up to the door, and signaled James to come open the lock. James put in the numbers. 4, 23, 41. He pushed open the door with a grunt. As soon as he did, about a dozen shadow felines ran out of the door, meowing and yowling in fear.

"How the actual HELL did they get out?!" James yelled in panic. "Morie, get the cats! I'll go see what's going on. Grab as many as you can!" 

Morie nodded before running off after the shadow felines.

James walked through the zig zag hallways, like a maze, until he got to the main building. Mikey was huddled and whimpering in the corner , under the computer desk. James wanted to go comfort them, but after what he did, he knew Mikey wouldn't accept- but it was worth a try. With the clunking of his black boots, he walked over to Mikey gently. The little dog whimpered, and tucked their head into their knees. James put his paws up in front of him, signaling he was not a danger. He kneeled down next to Mikey, a look of concern washed over his face. Mikey's leg was bleeding, blood dripped from the little dog's leg. They had been stabbed.

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