H.B. V

57 3 2

Storybrooke, ME
Friday, June 2010

Dinah stands patiently in front of the white door before it swings open revealing Normani. The mayor gives a cordial smile that Dinah returns before she steps aside welcoming the blonde in. Dinah accepts by entering and standing off to the side while Normani shuts the door and turns towards Dinah.

"I'm glad you accepted the invitation."

"Thanks for inviting me, what's for dinner?"

"Lasagna and homemade peach pies for dessert, follow me please," she leads them into the kitchen where Derrick is already seated at the table, "you can sit wherever you see fit."

Dinah slides into the chair across from Derrick and next to Normani as the brunette slides into the head chair. They say a blessing over the food before they're all digging in. Dinah can't help the moan that slips past her lips at the first taste. She sees Normani glance her way, but chooses to ignore her and enjoy the meal.

"This is really good," she states as she goes in for seconds at the same time as the kid, "you cook like this every night?"

"Most nights," Normani looks at her as Dinah puts a forkful in her mouth that's quickly followed by another one, "slow down Ms. Swan, I promise it's not going anywhere."

The deep chuckle that leaves her lips causes a shiver to run down Dinah's spine and a salacious smirk slides on the mayor's face, but it disappears just as quickly. The taller woman looks at her questioningly, but Normani doesn't say anything and they go back to eating in an awkward silence.

"How was you guys' days," Derrick looks between the two women waiting for a response, "anything interesting happen?"

They entertain his conversation as the three finish up dinner and he tells them about his day with Woody. Sitting at the table with the boy and his mother causes a foreign feeling of belonging within Dinah and a sudden panic starts to creep up her spine as the need to run pumps through her veins.

"This was nice, but I think I should get going."

"Oh, I made dessert. And we have ice cream."

"Yeah, Dinah. Stay, please," Dinah looks at his puppy dog eyes and immediately she's putty in his hands. She gives him a nod as he cheers, "yes! You want to play video games after."

"Don't push her Derrick, let's just finish dinner first."

Dinah gives Normani an appreciative smile as the boy accepts the compromise, "I'll get the pies and mom will get the ice cream."

The two hop up and begin to follow through with their assigned tasks, but Dinah notices Derrick stop and stare at the pies before speaking.

"Mom," she gives him a hum in acknowledgment but continues to scoop the ice cream into the bowls, "you made these?"

"Yes I did, with the peaches from the backyard. Why?"

"Did you poison one?"

The women both snap their heads up at the question, but he doesn't react, as if what he said is normal. Dinah's eyes bounce between the two as they have a silent conversation. Normani's shoulders square, but the kid isn't phased as he mimics her poise to the t.

Normani's shoulders slump in defeat and she exhales a breathy, "yes."

"What?! Why?"

"It's a sleeping curse. Everything you said is true, I'm the Evil Queen and I did curse this town," tears spill from her eyes and Dinah can't help but to believe everything they've been saying, "I'm sorry Derrick, I want to be good and do the right thing. I can't have you hating me."

"Wait! Why were you going to put me to sleep?"

"You're the only person that can break my curse, a product of true love. You're special Dinah Swan even if you don't know it."

"So how are we going to break the curse? We need true love."

"Isn't there another couple that can do it? What about Snow White and Prince Charming, they share true love."

"Didn't you hear me say you're the only one that can break it?"

"I know, we'll just find Dinah's true love and they can kiss and everyone will be happy."

"And just how are we going to find my true love," Dinah looks at him curiously because his plan has some missing pieces, "Do I date people until I fall in love?"

"I don't think auctioning you off like a harlot will be our best option, but I may find something in my books. It could take a while."

"I can help you if you'd like. I mean I'll be here doing nothing and you'll be doing everything and I'm kind of involved now you know, so I feel kind of obligated to—"

"Do you ramble often?"

The blonde quickly snaps her mouth shut at the words and scolds herself for letting her nerves take over again. She remembers that Normani asked a question and places her focus onto that.

"Only when I'm nervous and you're a bit... intimidating. Not in like a bad way, but in like a way that I feel I have to explain everything so that it comes off right because I don't want to offend you or anythi—"

"Ah, there you go again. There's no need to be nervous Ms. Swan. I do apologize for the almost sleeping curse and as an olive branch I'm okay with you and Derrick spending time together without me present. But Derrick, you have to let me know when you're leaving and where you're going."

"Yes! Thank you mom," the kid hugs her and the smile that graces her face makes Dinah's heart skip a beat, "you want to play my video game and eat ice cream?"

"Sure kid, maybe we can split one of the non-poisonous peach pies. They smell too good to pass up."

Normani disposes of the contaminated pie before she eats a forkful of both remaining pies. She pushes them towards the pair with a bowl of vanilla ice cream. She disappears to her office as Dinah and Derrick retire to the living room to play games. After hanging out for a couple of hours Dinah decides to drive back to Granny's.

Once she makes it to her room she gets ready for a good night's rest before she has to spend the next day with her son and his mother. She really hopes they can find a way to break this curse because she doesn't think she's ready for falling in love right now. She groans at the thought and rolls over before the sandman pulls her under his spell.


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