H.B. I

136 5 0

Thursday, June 2010

Dinah looks down at the lone cupcake with a single candle sticking out of it, reminiscing on the first birthday she ever felt mattered. The only other time in her life where she knew she wasn't by herself.

She shakes the thoughts and blows out the candle wishing to never be alone again. If you ask her she'll probably say making wishes are pointless but sometimes even she gets hopeful.

A knock at the door grabs her attention and she walks over answering it. When she opens the door she doesn't see anyone, so she goes to close it.

"Hey," the small voice startles her and she looks down. A small boy stands before her with curious gray eyes and a shy smile, "Are you Dinah Swan?"

"Who's asking, kid?"

"I'm Derrick Mills... your son."

He flashes her a wide smile as she takes him in. She can see her eyes and he does look like the sperm donor, but if what he says is true could he have really found her through a closed adoption? Nope.

"Kid, I think you're mistaking me for someone else. I don't have a son."

"Yes you do. You gave me up almost ten years ago and now here I am. We need to talk."

She realizes her lie detector hasn't gone off and watches as the small boy pushes past her into the apartment. She closes the door with a small huff before walking over to where he's sitting at the counter.

"Sure, come on in and get comfortable."

"Can I have some juice then?"

She eyes him for a bit then turns to the cabinet, grabbing a glass and filling it with fruit punch. She goes to hand it to him, but pulls back at the last second.

"Answer some questions first then I'll give you the juice."

"I'll answer all your questions for the juice plus that cupcake and bag of chips on the table."

She looks at him incredulously because he is really trying to con her out of her snacks. This can't be real. She shakes her head before retaliating with her own deal.

"The juice and chips, but I keep my cupcake."

He thinks for a minute before nodding and she gives him the bag of BBQ Lay's and juice. He tears the bag open as soon as she lets go and she begins her questioning.

"Where is your mom?"

"Back at home."

"And where is home?"

"About two and a half hours away in Maine."

"Does she know you're here?"

"No," she sends him a glare, making him talk instantly, "I told her I was going to a friend's house."

"Kid," she groans at his answer because now she's dealing with a runaway, "How did you get here?"

"Took the bus. Well two buses, can you reimburse me for those tickets? I had to use a month's worth of allowances to get here."

"No, I didn't tell you to go looking for a total stranger. How did you find me anyway?"

"I'm a nine year old genius and I have google." Ping!

"You're lying."

"I'll tell you the truth in exchange for the cupcake."

"No, it's my birthday," the two keep eye contact as she speaks, "how did you find me?"

The Swan-Mills Family. (Norminah)Where stories live. Discover now