𝟐𝟐| 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐝𝐞

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Luciano offered to drive, but I couldn't risk us being followed, so I called my driver. In pain, I zoomed home, just thinking about how badly I wanted to go home.

When I arrived, all the boys were there, saying, "Hi boss," and I just gazed into my room. Entering the shower and carefully washing up, let's say, he ruined me.

After some time being on my bed and reading I came up with an idea.

It's time for our group to come back as friends not as 'boss'.

I texted them all to meet me at our favorite restaurant, a small and inconspicuous Italian joint that served the best steaks in town. As always, they all arrived on time, knowing that I hated waiting.

"Anthea!" Aiden exclaimed as he walked in, giving me a quick hug.

"Hey, Aiden," I replied, smiling.

"Tyson! How's it going, man?" Dong greeted Tyson with a pat on the back.

"I can't complain," Tyson replied, grinning.

"Hey, where's Eros and Joss?" I asked, noticing their absence.

"They said they'll be here in a few minutes," Aiden replied, checking his watch.

We took our seats at our usual table, and I couldn't help but feel grateful for having such loyal and trustworthy friends. We ordered our food and chatted about random things while we waited for Eros and Joss to join us.

As soon as they walked in, I couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. Being around these guys made everything feel so easy and carefree. We were all just a group of friends, enjoying a nice dinner together.

"Sorry we're late," Eros apologized as he took his seat beside Tyson.

"It's alright. You guys made it just in time," I said, smiling at Joss as she sat down across from me.

"So, what's new with you guys?" Joss asked, eager to catch up.

"Not much. Just the usual business stuff," I replied, trying to downplay my role as a mafia leader.

"I heard you took down one of the rival gangs last week," Dong said, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, they were causing a lot of trouble, so I had to take care of it," I said nonchalantly.

"Impressive, as always, Anthea," Aiden complimented me.

"But should had called us," I look at him.

"You wouldn't let me then do my thing." He looks away.

We continued our dinner, talking and laughing like ordinary friends.

"I'll drink to that," Tyson said with a smirk, raising his own glass.

We all took a sip of our drinks before Joss piped up, "So, when are you gonna make me a made man, Anthea? I'm tired of being the only one without a cool title."

I rolled my eyes playfully at him. "You know it doesn't work like that, Joss. You have to prove yourself first."

"Oh, I've already proven myself. Remember that time we took down that rival gang and I single-handedly distracted their guards?" Joss bragged, and we all burst out laughing.

"You mean the time you got locked in a closet and screamed for help?"Dong pointed out, causing us to laugh even harder.

"Hey, it was a good distraction!" Joss defended himself, making us laugh even more.

"Then make it official,"I say as everyone is watching me, especially Joss.

"From today on. Joshua Lopez his title is 'The Siren'" Josses face turns into a big grin, while everyone is looking at me, still.

"Congrats, I hope you use the name to the fullest." I say as I take a sip.

"Thank you, boss" he leaned forward.

"Since you named him, we have for you too." Tyson says looking at Aiden, Aiden just nods.

"We officially announce that our boss, Anthea Enyo is now 'The Blade'" I looked at them very happy.

I now have a name after 1 and half year.

"Yeah, cool we wanted to name you 'Medusa' but thought its too much then. "Joss murmurs.

We continued to reminisce about our college days and the funny moments we shared, I couldn't help but feel grateful for these friends who had become my family. We all led dangerous lives, but when we were together, it felt like we were just a bunch of regular people, sharing jokes and stories.

"Aiden, do you remember the time Anthea accidentally put hot sauce in her coffee instead of sugar?" Tyson chimed in, causing everyone to turn to me with raised eyebrows.

I couldn't help but laugh, feeling a little embarrassed.

"Hey, it was an honest mistake! And it wasn't even that bad," I defended myself, knowing that it was a lie. The moment I took a sip of my coffee, I felt like my mouth was on fire.

"Oh, it was bad. You were crying," Eros teased, causing everyone to laugh once again.

As the night went on, we talked about all the crazy, funny, and even embarrassing moments we had shared. It was a much-needed break from our usual lives, and I was grateful for these friends who reminded me to let loose and have some fun once in a while.

As we said our goodbyes and went our separate ways. But at the corner of my eye I see a figure moving but as soon it saw me looking he quickly running of, I decided to follow him, but when I looked at where he maybe went i figured out it was useless.

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