Chapter One

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As the last bell finally rang, I released a breath of relief. I was ready to go home. Except, I had to hope Saiki would be willing to meet up with me, and WOULDN'T assume it was some kind of confession. Now THAT would be humiliating, even if it's just to him. I walked over to Saiki after his 'friends' left, the strange one and the not-so-bright one. I felt my heart hurt a bit with my panic.

"Your name is Saiki... right?" I asked softly, a bit unsure. He nodded, and so I decided to be forward. "Saiki, why can't I read you?" He was still silent, but I could feel the slight confusion in his aura. "Are you psychic? And, can you read my thoughts?"

"What?" I finally heard him, but his mouth didn't move.

"Finally! I can hear you! That took a while." I clapped, smiling. "Are you using selective telepathy? You decide who can hear you, even outside psychics?"

"Are you actually psychic?" He clearly didn't trust me.

"Here, let's go get some tea." He was open, and I could finally figure something out. "I know a place with fantastic coffee jelly." He looked pretty excited, at least, for him. I was surprised to find that my offer worked. I could go for some chai, I guess.


"So, how long have you been psychic?" I asked Saiki after ordering my blueberry muffin and vanilla chai tea.

"Since birth."

"I'd say that's cool, but I know it isn't," I said, adjusting my bow.

"What do you mean?" He asked curiously, but only telepathically.

"Well, I was dead for a solid two days," I said, laughing awkwardly. That evoked a reaction, his pink eyes widening behind the glasses that hid his eyes slightly. "That sounded vague," I added on, realizing I needed to actually give details.

"At the age of seven, I was murdered alongside my parents. It was pretty bad. I was the last to die but became a spirit. I was there with my mom and dad, who were torn apart. We wandered around as we watched our family and friends sobbing. That's when my parents made a decision." I actually decided to pull out my wallet and showed a photo of my parents with me. "We went to the morgue before they could mess with my body and were forced back into life. It was shocking, especially for the poor guy who was present. He nearly had a heart attack when a very dead little girl sat up and asked to get stitched up better." I couldn't help but giggle at the memory of his face. "Since then, I ended up gaining these powers."

"Sorry to drone on about my life. How boring, right?" I said awkwardly, realizing he deals with a lot of backstories and blabbering teens.

"No, I get it. Besides, it's necessary to explain what you meant." He said, nodding slightly.

"So, I probably don't have as many powers as you. I mean, you're using those little antennas." I pointed to my own head to indicate where his little hair pieces were. "Which, there isn't anything wrong with that. I think they're adorable." I spoke bluntly. "By the way, what can you do?"

"A lot."


"Psychometry, Apport, Astral Projection, Bilocation, Clairvoyance, Cryokinesis, Curse, Levitation, Hydrokinesis, Mind Control, Petrification-"

"Dear lord that sounds nightmarish." I interrupted him, gawking. "Sorry to interrupt, but I understand that you literally have no limit to your power. Wowie." Our food finally arrived and I sighed in contentment at the sight of my tea. I clapped, thanking the waitress. I watched as Saiki ate some coffee jelly, a blush covering his face slightly as he took a bite. I smiled, finding the smile on his face to be pure.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2022 ⏰

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