Frank's favorite candy 🚐🍬

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Kevin thought having another person working at the candy shop would give him time to be relaxed.
But the Frank guy he hired only made him more tense.

Frank stood beside Kevin at the bar, one of his hands slipping into the other guys pants groping him right as some woman with 2 kids came into the store, the kids suddenly running over to the candy machines.

"Hurry up kids, get a handful and bring it to these two so we can get going" the woman, who Kevin had to assume was the mother to the two crotch goblins ordered.

Frank didn't bother to stop, infact grabbing Kevin's body, making him lean against the bar and even had him spread his legs out some.
Kevin folded his arms on the bar, leaning his face into this arms in order to keep a semi professional look, so he just looked bored.

Frank continued to grope on his ass a few more seconds before slipping two fingers between Kevin's vagina lips, his fingers soon getting covered with the slick substance Kevin's body produced.

Finally the kids came running to the bar with handfuls of candy as the mom got her wallet out.

Kevin forced a straight face as he quickly scanned the candy and bagged it, as the woman began to get out money Frank began rubbing the discharge around Kevin's anus.

The woman set the money onto the bar and Kevin quickly took it and put it into the register handing her back the bit of change before she took the bag of candy and they left.

"Could you not do that Infront of customers" Kevin snapped at Frank who laughed "they can't see, just don't make it obvious"

"That's not the p-mhm" Frank shut him up when his other hand slipped into the front of his pants and began to play with his t-dick.

"What was that?" Frank asks teasingly as Kevin grabbed at the bar tightly, trying to force a normal looking face.

The hand on Kevin's ass began to prod at Kevin's anus when he tried to move his body moved back to get away from the overwhelming pleasure of Franks hand playing with his t-dick.

"Trying to push it in for me?" Frank asked teasingly as he continued to rub Kevin's t-dick, making him grit his teeth, trying to stay silent but his breath was becoming a bit heavy.

Frank moved his hand back down to Kevin's vagina lips, lubing his finger up more with the discharge before prodding back at his anus again, this time actually inserting his finger into him but stopped focusing his other hand with Kevin's t-dick, causing Kevin to let out a quiet whine, he was silently a bit glad and disappointed Franks hand stopped rubbing him because he was close to cumming from the stimulation.

As frank kept teasing Kevin's anus with his index finger none other than Skid and Pump came into the building, Kevin letting go of the bar and standing up slightly, still in a slightly bent over position though.

"Look kids I'm busy uh teaching Frank about how to do this job so look here's some free candy now go away" Kevin says grabbing two candy bars and handing it out to the two as Frank didn't even bother to slow down, in fact rubbing his middle finger between his vagina lips to slicken them before adding his middle finger into his ass.

"Hi van guy!" Skid waved.
"Oh Kevin are you sick?" Pump asks pointing to his face.

"Huh no I'm fine now take the candy and go" Kevin tried to order shoving the candy at the kids.

"You're face is all red" Skid says with concern.

"Mhm, yeah poor Kevin here's a little sick, it isn't contagious but it's really hurting him" Frank speaks right as he moved his fingers in a scissoring motion causing Kevin to groan 'in pain'

"Oh ok" Pump says as he and Skid took the candy from Kevin
"We can help you then too!" Skid suggests happily.

"No! Frank is enough help, now go!" Kevin says pointing to the door.

"Alright... Well get better soon!" Skid says before the two run back out of the shop.

"Frank- fuck" Kevin cursed as he glared at the snickering man

"Hm, well if you insist, boss" frank said with a widening grin as he freed his dick from his pants and underwear before getting behind Kevin and inserting himself, one hand on Kevin's lower stomach under his shirt and the other hand returning to play with Kevin's t-dick.

Kevin was rapped around Frank's finger to be used as he pleased. Kevin leaning against Frank as he covered his mouth with one hand and his other hand grabbing the shoulder of Frank's shirt.

He let out whines and curses as Frank pushed in and out of him, breathing right above his neck the entire time.
He suddenly is grabbing at Frank's hand that was playing with his t-dick, not even able to really get a good grab on his hand but weakly pulling at it "you gotta stop before I-"
Frank knew what he was getting at and decides to be a little cruel, pushing down under Kevin's stomach and rubbing his t-dick even faster causing Kevin to ejaculate.

"How messy, couldn't even hold it in like I did. Not a good role model boss" Frank teased as he leaned Kevin back against the counter so he didn't fall after he pulled out of him, leaving to go to the private employees restroom to release his own, leaving Kevin to get himself back properly dressed.

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