oh snap 🍬 🦇

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T4T couple let's fucking go!

Whoops thumb slipped and it's fluffysmut

Streber was always more sexual than average for an afab person but now that he's taking testosterone, holy hell is it alot.

All the kinky shit he fantasized about was a lot for Kevin who had no idea about to many things but learned he was actually into.

Streber awaits Kevin at their home in the bed naked, having the strap on Kevin used on the edge of the bed along with, a leash, cable ties, and for something new to introduce to Kevin was four fairly long straight twigs taped up a littler lower than half way in duct tape.

Soon enough Kevin's car can be heard pulling up to the house and unlocking the door before it soon is slammed back shut and locked.

"Streber?" Kevin calls out casually as he took off his tie and outfit uniform, throwing them onto the couch.

"I'm in the bedroom" Streber calls out.

Kevin didn't even think why he didn't come out of the bedroom to meet him, he was too stressed to bother, instead just giving a small shrug before walking to the bedroom.

"If you're in the mood and wanna try it, I've got another thing to introduce you to, I think you'll like it" Streber says when Kevin walks in who closes back the bedroom door when seeing why Streber was in the bedroom.

"Uh yeah, sure. Does whatever it is have those sticks involved somehow?" Kevin asks pointing to it.

"Yep" Streber smiled as he picked it up "alright hold it by the taped end" he explains as Kevin follows.
"Now just swing it like when you're about to kill a wasp"
Kevin swung it to the side, letting it swat the end of the bed.

"Wow, strong hit there" Streber said with an excited smile.

"Should I be more gentle with it?"

"Nah,I mean unless you wanna, but I am a-ok with the strong hits"

"I'm guessing I uh hit you with it?" Kevin asks a bit unsure sounding.

"Yeah, you can start off gentle if you need too but you know I'll tell you if it's becoming to much for me" Streber assures able to sense Kevin's unsureness about it, which he was always worried of hurting Streber during sex but this was the most extreme Streber had introduced pain causing wise atleast.
"But we can wait or just not do it at all if you're really not comfortable with it"

"No, I'll try it, I'm always just nervous of new things at the start" Kevin says sitting the branches back down as he got undressed before picking back up the branches, Streber lied down on the bed on his stomach, a semi firm pillow under his stomach so his ass was sticking up as he layer his head on a different pillow.

"So where exactly should I aim for?"

"Anywhere from my ass and upper legs works"

Kevin raised up the new tool before giving a much more gentle swat than prior to Streber's lower ass.

"Was that alright?" Kevin asks wanting to make sure he was doing everything correctly.

"Yeah, you can hit me a lot harder than though" Streber assured

Kevin raised the twigs back up again before swatting them back down slightly higher onto Kevin's ass, this time hitting much harder

"Mhm" Streber moaned softly "yeah more like that" he encouraged.

Kevin does so, this time right on the thighs at about the same force as prior.

Streber continued to encourage him on as Kevin pit more strength into each hit, begining to realize he was getting something out of it too, from Streber's moans and yelps before he'd push his face into a pillow, to the way his body jiggled from the impact, to just the odd relief that his anger was being relieved.

Kevin stopped though when he notices a spot that had the skin broke, little blood dots popping up in an area on the side of his ass.

Kevin drips the taped branches before he leaves three taps on Streber's back, one of their nonverbal signals for when either had enough and ready to stop.

Streber pushes the pillow away from under his face as he looks at Kevin's panicked face.

"Streber, a-are you ok!?"

"Yeah ofcourse" he answers with a smile "I should be asking if you're ok bro, you're the one who wanted to stop" he says stretching out his body before sitting up on the bed, pulling on Kevin's arm to have him sit on the bed with him, who did.

"You were starting to bleed! I didn't realize I was hitting that hard, you- I-"

"Kev, I didn't stop you because I liked it. Don't worry yourself"

"It wasn't hurting?!"

"I mean it was but I like it. Like how some people enjoy spicy or sour food" Streber tried to explain as he moves into Kevin's lap.

"If you're uncomfortable with it then I won't make you do it but don't worry about me"

Kevin took a heavy sigh before rapping his arms around Streber "alright, maybe something with less impact to it will work better next time" he suggests as one hand brushes down to Streber's ass, feeling of all the lines that marked him.

"Sure, if that's something you wanna try, you know I'm down" Streber smiled.

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