John is back

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Meanwhile at the Weaselings castle*

Arabella makes coffee

Arabella- I can't believe Smarty is gone.....

Malikai pats her back: Cheer up. Want me to give you belly nibbles?

Arabella- Mhm

Malikai nibbles her belly*

Arabella screams of laighter

Angela, Lolip, Sunny, and Coral join in*

Arabella- No stop PLEEEAAAASSSEEE !! I beg of you !

The others chuckled*

The door knocks*

They look

SkekNa opens it, it is Smarty and the others*

SkekNa: Smarty's back!

Weaselings- Smarty !

Tops hugs him: Welcome back!

Smarty chuckled w little

Smarty- Thanks Tops.

Malikai: What brings you here?

Smarty- Savy left on the train and I need your help

Tigs: Oh no!

Morty: Do you know where she's heading?

Smarty- Kwatagama

Plagg deadplanned: There's no such place, your holding the Kwatagama.

Smarty sweats*

Smarty It's not my fault you said that YOU LITTLE LIAR !!!

Plagg chuckles: My bad...

Wheezy: Look the caboose detached in Nevada in the snowy mountains, and we were hoping you can help.

Malikai: Whoa whoa whoa, newsflash, Snow plus nose equals getting a cold!

Smarty- Since when did you care ?! She is my wife !

Malikai: Look, I can't help, but I know two dogs that can help. *whistles*

Wolfina and Wolfy came to them*

Smarty- Malikai for the first time you are completely USELESS

Malikai: Hey, do you know what happened last time I was in the snow?


It was snowing in Toon town*

They smiled as they enjoy the snow

Tops throws a snowball at Tina*

Tina- Oh ! Hey !

Tops giggles: Can't hit me!

Tina- Oh yeah ?!

They started to do a snowball fight*

Jason has a big snowball*

They look

Jason: I'm going to use it on all of you!

But Jason tripped and he got caught in the snowball and rolled towards Malikai*

All- uh oh!

Malikai: Yipes!

Malikai was in the snowball rolling and it crashed to the wall*

Arabella - Bro ?

Flashback ends....

Malikai: My nose instantly turned blue and I have a cold for three days straight!

Smarty- Still no help

Morty: Com'on bro he needs your help.

Arabella- Yeah !

Malikai: Okay, what's in it for me?

Smarty- I'll do anything

Malikai: Anything, how about baby sitting Freddy?

Smarty- Yeah sure whatever.

Malikai- Okay let's go

With Savy.....

The puppies whimper as they lick her

Savy giggles, she then hears a familiar voice*

???: Man this is a lot to carry back to the village.

She heard a familiar grunt, she looked outside the cave and sees John with Pyramid head along with a white xenomorph*

Savy: John? Is that you?

The xenonorph heard her voice and hissed

John sees her: Savy! What a surprise! *looks at the Xenomorph* Hey hey it's okay Snow blade, she's a friend of ours.

The xenonorph growled and stood back

John: Savy it's good to see you again

Savy: You two, how did you get out of silent hill?

John: Well according to the queen's law, if I want to be free I need someone to take my place, so someone took my place and I left with Pyramid head and some of the monsters and decided to make a village in Nevada.

She sees the Xenonorph and gasped

Savy: Who's this?

John: Oh this is our new friend, his name is Snow blade, we were heading to this mysterious temple with one of our monster pals, however this little creature impregnated my monster friend and the alien popped out, then he grew to this, but he is loyal to us.

He looks

John: But anyway what are you doing here?

One of the wolf puppies came to Savy"

Savy: Well... Smarty left me to raise the kids by myself for a whole week, but he never came back... Now I'm deeply heartbroken and decided to leave, but someone detached the caboose and I almost got killed.

John- But you were the one that left him. Why are you flipping out when you did the SAME A THING to him all the time

Savy has tears*

John felt bad*

John- Look I'm sorry. I just don't see why you yell at him when you do the same thing

Savy: It's just I didn't mean to, but he didn't come back...

John: Hey, cheer up, do you want to come with us to the village?

Savy: Sure.

The baby wolf pup whimpers*

Savy smiled and picks her up

Savy- Okay you can come too.

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