Showing Grey what he done

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With Laura ...

Laura- Mm ! Mmm !

She struggles to free herself

Grey came back*

Laura stops and looks

Grey: Miss me?

Laura looks and blushes that he is now as tall as Green and is quite handsome.

Laura- Y--yes...

Grey kisses her head*

Laura blushes red as she looks at him

Laura- Oh !

But before Grey could go further*

Crush broke the door down*

Laura yelped as they looked

Green: Stop right there Grey!

Grey- Well well well. Look who finally came face to face

Purple: Release my daughter!

Grey- I don't think so. I'm not hurting her but I am making her mine. She was the only one besides my bugs that showed kindness to me !

Maisie: Grey! Stop! You need to stop this madness!

Grey- I agree. Blue ?

Blue then grabs Green who holds Sharon

Blue- You should have stayed out of the way when you had the chance.

Green- Blue come on ! Wake up buddy !

Grey- He's not here. He's in there.

Maisie: Grey stop! This isn't you!

Green-( arrived to get from Blue's hold ) How is this possible ?! He's stronger than before ?!

Grey- I suppose Since you're going to die , I'll tell you a little secret. The bugs listen to me now You see as soon as you guys kept making fun of me , I left. That's until I met a few of my bug friends , the tropical Wasp that bit Sharon , the tarantula hawk wasp that paralyzed Asuna , have sharp mantis spikes on my arms from the mantis and injured Red. I ended up tripping on the wire and with all their DNA I mutated into the ultimate bug rainbow friend !

Tito: Ai ai ai.

Grey- So you see , you think all bugs are like parasites ! Well let me tell you, a parasite can control someone's mind and body and turn it against them !

Green- So that's it ?! Wake up , Blue ! He's controlling you !

Grey- I told you..... Blue's not here

Maisie: Grey! Listen to me and Green, this isn't you, you were a kind bug before! But look around you!

Grey looks at Asuna, Sharon and Red who are hurt.

Maisie: I saw the Rainbow friends don't attack their fellow rainbow friends and friendly people, yes they called you names, but your becoming a bully.

Grey- No... I'm..... NOT !!! Blue , kill them !

Blue pushed Green down

Green- Quick ! Purple ,Take Sharon !

He gives his girlfriend to his friend before Blue jumped high to punch him to the ground , Shocking Green who dodged a powerful punch from his blue friend

Green- No ! I'm not going to hurt the friend I care about !( Gets on his knees ) I'm not like you !

Grey- What are you talking about ?!you're the ones who treated me like trash ! I'm the victim here !

Tito: Grey! Stop! Your not! But your becoming a bad bully, a bully would hurt others who are trying to protect their loved ones!

Sharon started to moan in her sleep

Sharon- Mmm.... Mmm.

Green- You know who the real victims are ?! Your bugs ! And how did you repay them ?! You used them for your own selfish plans !

Grey- What ?! What I'm doing Isn't selfish ! It's justice !

Maisie: Grey look what your doing!

Blue punched Green on the head*

Maisie: Is this justice to you?! Your becoming like Blue!

Grey- No ! Your wrong ! I'm NOT like him !

Laura- Grey , please ! Listen to them , Just because my uncles and Dad were being cruel , doesn't mean you should to ! Now you're just becoming mean and awful !

Grey-( Looks at her ) That's not true !

Laura- Then stop ! This is wrong and you know it ! Your hurt the ones that didn't hurt you ! But you did it to spite and make my family suffer ! Two wrongs don't make a right Grey ! Be the bigger and better person than them ! Show them you're Truly not like them!

Green is hurt by Blue*

Grey is shocked*

Grey- Oh no..... Laura and Green are right. This was never supposed to be like this ...

The maggot gets out of Blue's head , freeing him from it's control allowing him to pass out on the floor .

Sharon moaned softly as she wakes up. She looks at Green bruised and hurt and gasped

Sharon- Green !

Purple- Sharon !

Maisie- You're awake !

Sharon got out of Purple's arms and ran to the unconscious Green holding his head

Sharon- Green ...

Green wakes up: Ow... I'm okay...

He then looks and notices Sharon is awake and alive

Green: Sharon! Your awake!

Sharon smiled and kisses his cheek first.

Green-( Feels his wound ) Ow ow ow....

Sharon- Oh , sorry...

Green gets up and helps Sharon up before he speaks to her

Green: For a second I had to wait for you to wake up.

Sharon smiled and snuggles him.

Sharon- I was so worried about you ! I heard what you said when I was waking up You almost scared me , I thought you died....

Green chuckles*

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