Chapter 9

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Katsuki pushed his way to his locker, earning gasps of pain from people he kicked or whacked carelessly. He finally got to his own, slamming the door open into Kirishima's face.

"OW BRO!" Kirishima whined childishly. A few people chuckled or giggled, including Kaminari, who was just coming by for his own locker.

"Tsk, dramatic," Katsuki muttered under his breath. Both Sero and Kirishima gasped and put their hands over their hearts, hugging each other and telling each other they shall leave Bakugo forever. Katsuki rolled his eyes, his lips automatically tugging to the side.

Katsuki put his hand in his messy locker and rummaged through it furiously. A slip of paper fell out from the locker, floating in the air slowly in a zigzag pattern before its peace was unfortunately broken by Katsuki's hand grabbing it harshly. Kirishima and Sero turned serious immediately.

"What if it's another curse letter?" Sero asked, concerned. Katsuki frowned and ripped the envelope cover off as both of his best friends peeked over anxiously. Katsuki took the letter out and flipped it over to find a short note, which Sero and Kirishima sighed in relief at.

"Well, now that you see it's not," Katsuki grunted. "Will you fuck off?"

Kirishima and Sero sighed before backing away. Katsuki then started reading the note carefully.

Meet me at the park after school. Bring your skates.


Katsuki frowned – why would Izuku want to meet him? His heart thumped unexpectedly with excitement. Katsuki put his hand to his heart to try and calm it down, not knowing why he was feeling this way.

"So what is it?" Kirishima asked anxiously.

"Deku wants to meet me after school," Katsuki grunted. Sero's eyes lit up.

"Ooooh! Fancy dinner?" Sero asked, thrilled.

"Meet, dumbass," Katsuki groaned. "You ever heard that word?"

"Yeah, yeah," said Sero in a fake annoyed tone. Katsuki crumpled the note up and stuffed it in his pocket before slamming his locker back close.




Katsuki found Izuku in a light blue shirt with skates on standing confidently with his back faced to him. Katsuki smirked and pulled at his backpack strap which was dangling over his shoulder.

"Whatcha doing here, Deku?"

Izuku did not respond. Katsuki sighed and threw his backpack on the ground, kneeling down to get his skates out. He hauled the skates over his shoulders and walked over to Izuku.


Izuku's position finally changed. He pointed forward, a determined face on. He turned his head and stared Katsuki directly in the eye, startling Katsuki as he had never seen this side of Izuku before.

"You, me," Izuku said. He looked back towards his finger. "Race, over there to the end of the line. Loser has to do a favor for the winner."

Katsuki squinted to see a neon green line drawn in chalk on the ground. He couldn't help but laugh at the offer.

"I don't think you'll be able to get through even one step," Katsuki wheezed between chuckles. Izuku frowned.

"If you're not going to get those skates on, I'm going first," Izuku stated. Katsuki smirked again.

"You start before me or we go together, I'll win either way," said Katsuki confidently. Izuku ignored him and stepped forward.

The wheels of his skates slipped and Izuku fell forwards with a yelp, flailing his arms around to try and regain his composure. He heard Katsuki's chuckle, which made his blood slightly boil.

He continued to stumble forwards, tripping every two times he tried to. He started to speed up, his wheels slipping on a stray banana peel, making him scream and fall down as his arm scraped the rough ground harshly.

Pain shot through his entire body as he fell on the floor and tried not to make a sound. He could almost feel Katsuki's smile drop. Katsuki's quick footsteps were heard behind Izuku, but he held up his uninjured arm slightly to stop him.

Izuku climbed up slowly, holding his arm. He stumbled towards the finish line, unfortunately tripping again, this time cutting his lips on a sharp point on the ground. He winced in pain as he rolled to the side and crawled to the finish line. Katsuki was still, staring with no emotion on his face.

Izuku turned around to face Katsuki before smiling slightly.

"I won, didn't I?"




Katsuki grunted angrily as he bandaged Izuku's arm. Thinking of the "race" just made him feel more and more angry – not because Izuku won, but because Izuku did all that just to have Katsuki do something for him. Why couldn't he have just asked.

Katsuki slammed Izuku's bandaged arm forward and crossed his arm, huffing childishly.

"E-Eh?" Izuku stuttered. He nudged Katsuki. "K-Kacchan?"

"WHY DID YOU FUCKING DO THAT?!" Katsuki screamed in Izuku's face. Izuku jumped on the spot, backing away, paralyed. Katsuki lowered his head and turned around again.

"Do you know how worried I was?" Katsuki muttered. Izuku nudged back to Katsuki's side and fell silent.

"You have to do something for me," Izuku said, changing the subject immediately. Katsuki didn't turn his head.

"Just ask," he grunted. Izuku smiled at his obligation.

"Promise me you'll get your grades up?"

"WHAT?!" Katsuki screamed again. He calmed down after seeing Izuku's startled, slightly scared face. "No way..."

"I won, Kacchan," Izuku repeated. Silence dawned upon both of them. Katsuki nodded hesitantly. Izuku smiled slightly before holding up his pinky. "Promise, Kacchan?"

Katsuki stared at Izuku's small hand for a few moments. His eyes wandered to the bandages on Izuku's arm. Blood was seeping through it, making Katsuki's heart lurch. He raised his own, shaking hand as he hooked his pinky around Izuku's and nodded, looking Izuku straight in the eye and trying to ignore the nasty scar on his lip.


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