Chapter 19

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Izuku smiled as he looked down at his book. The second semester was ending, and he wanted to get Katsuki a Christmas present.

He had decorated the book with photos of them that he found out Mina and Kaminari had been taking in secret. He placed some emo stickers he thought Katsuki would like and scribbled messages. By the time he was finished, it was already morning.

But he didn't care. As long as Katsuki would be happy about it, he was too.




Okay, first gift is to... Mina and Kami!

Izuku quickly ran over to his best friends and dropped his presents into their hands, not letting them react.

"Merry Christmas besties!" he said happily. They both looked up.

"Th-" Mina started, handing out her own present for him. Izuku swept it into his arm and took another gift Kaminari was holding before leaving in a rush. After putting the two boxes into his backpack, he rushed off again.

"Hey Todoroki-kun!" he said happily.

"Oh hey Zuzu," Shoto greeted. Izuku handed out his present and smiled: "Merry Christmas!"

"Oh- This for me-?" Shoto asked, surprised. Izuku nodded enthusiastically.

"My present hasn't arrived ye-" Shoto started apologetically, but Izuku cut him off.

"It's fine, as long as you like my present, I don't really mind if I get any from you," Izuku smiled.

"Of course I'll love it," Shoto smiled, planting a light kiss on Izuku's forehead, making Izuku go pink again.

"I got to give out more presents now," Izuku said, turning. "See you!"

He ran, looking for Katsuki. Katsuki was not in his classroom, common area, bathroom, hallways, teachers' office, library, book shop, tracks, field, basketball court, pool, convenience store, or anywhere Izuku could find. He was panting when he checked the last place he hadn't looked for: the rooftop.

There Katsuki was, sitting on the railings and staring up at the sky.


Katsuki jumped, almost falling off. He turned and got off the railings, relieved to see it was only Izuku.

"The fuck Deku?! I almost fell off!" he grunted. Izuku smiled sheepishly and scratched the back of his head.

"Sorry, but here's my Christmas present for you!" he said happily as he handed the book out to Katsuki.

Rain was starting to fall, making both Katsuki's and Izuku's hair wet. Darn, rain sure knows when to fall.

"Hah? A book?" Katsuki asked, snorting. He opened the book, surprised to see photos of him and Izuku. "Where did you get these?"

"Mina and Kaminari," Izuku explained. Katsuki nodded, but he couldn't help but smile slightly.


"Thank you."

"Bakugo-kun!" someone called. They both turned to see Ochako rushing up with an umbrella. She hovered the umbrella over Katsuki, before noticing Izuku was there to. "Oh hey Izuku! Come on, get under the umbrella!"

"Ah-" Izuku started. Ochako was now looking up at Katsuki, who was glancing at her. His heart tinged again, and he stepped back. "Uhm, i-it's fine."

Izuku turned around, trying to walk as quickly as he could, but he tripped over a puddle.

"Izuku!" both Ochako and Katsuki yelped. Izuku heard Katsuki's steps approaching, but he held up his arm to stop him. Katsuki stopped.

"I'm fine," he muttered. Standing up, he found himself sprinting away, sensitive tears down his face.




Izuku huddled himself in the corner of the room. Sure no one would find him there, he buried his face in his knees. Why did he have to be so cowardly?

What's wrong with me?

He felt himself starting to cry hot tears as he hiccuped and sobbed. Why was he so weak?

The door opened, and his head snapped up quickly, wiping his face furiously with his hands.


To his surprise, it was a feminine voice, not Katsuki. He looked up to see a brown haired girl with warm chocolate eyes looking down.

What is she doing here? To mock me and tell me I'm not worthy of Kacchan?

"H-Hi, Ochako..."

Ochako smiled and took a seat next to him, taking out a few tissue slips out of her pocket and handed it to him. Surprised, he wiped his tears and hugged his knees harder.

"Why are you helping me?" he asked quietly. "I'm so weak."

"Don't say that, Izuku," Ochako quickly said. "You do love Katsuki, do you?"

"No I do-" Izuku started. He paused.

Do I love Kacchan?

"Yes you do, Izu," Ochako said as she took another tissue to dot his red face with. "I'm not your best friend, but I know how you feel. Funny how sympathy works."

"Aren't you afraid I'll steal... him?" Izuku asked again.

"Oh no, not at all," Ochako smiled and replied. "I've never been into boys anyway."

Izuku's head snapped up. "You're a lesbian?"

"Mhm," Ochako said shyly. "I understand if you think I'm disgusti- Oh wait, you're also very gay."

"Suppose I am," Izuku chuckled slightly. A silence dawned upon them as Ochako stood up.

"I'm going to take my leave now," she said. She looked back at him. "Please remember that Katsuki cares about you. You're not weak, Izu."

Wish I could believe you.

"Ah- Th-Thanks, Ochako..." Izuku murmured.

"It's fine," Ochako smiled. "If you ever need a mentor, I'll be here."

She bent down and stuck out her hand.


Izuku smiled slightly and held out his own hand, shaking Ochako's.


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