Your beginning, the end (Questions that still go without answers)

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The thing about stories is that they always have a clear beginning. Something that started the progression of the story.

But truly, is the beginning of a story the true beginning? What about what happened before that? What about what caused that person to be there for the beginning? Pigment could say that the beginning started with Erratum falling into the void, but what had caused them to be there at the time?

Was the beginning actually the moment Pigment told the other's Erratum should die? Or was it all the way back to when they first met eons ago? Even then- what had caused them to meet at that specific point? Fate?

So the beginning was even further back then. What had made it so Erratum was destroying that specific AU that day? In fact, what had caused Erratum to start destroying in the first place? Was that the beginning? What about before that, before Erratum was the destroyer? 

Was that the beginning- All those Eons ago?

Who said that the story started with Erratum in the first place? Pigment was older than Erratum, so did the beginning start with him? What constitutes as the beginning of a story? There was so many instances throughout their lives that could be considered the beginning. Does the story start at the first one, or the most important one?

What if there was no beginning at all?

Because the thing about beginnings is that they're clear cut. You always remember the beginning of a story. The beginning starts off the story. If you don't have a beginning, you can't have a story.

Pigment could not remember his beginning.

Pigment wasn't sure if he even ever had one. 

Even with a story more focused on a specific person- that would start at their birth. That was the beginning of the being, the start of their story. Even Erratum, although he could not remember it, was sure he had a mother. Someone who started the beginning of his being. His story.

Pigment never had a mother. There wasn't someone who started his story for him, someone who was the cause of his creation. Pigment had just always been, For as long as the world moved, in it's white never-ending-ness, With nothing insight but Pigment himself.

Had that been the beginning? The moment Pigment had become aware he was existing?

It didn't feel like a beginning. For a beginning you need a start. Pigment hadn't started to exist, he just had existed. Who knew how long Pigment had existed before he realized he did.

He couldn't know. Time was always fickle in the white void.

So had that been the beginning? No. Surely not. Was the beginning when the white void existed without his presence? Or even further when it had been first created? Had the void been created, or had it always just been, waiting for something else to take place?

Pigment could not remember his beginning- if he even had one. All he could remember was the day he had started to question what he was, and where he was, and who he was and why was he here? 

That was his beginning. It hadn't been much of a beginning at all.

But who had decided that he'd just be one day? Whoever they were- whatever they were- where they the beginning? Could that even constitute as a beginning? Could a beginning really be so vague and unknown? 

Pigment didn't know. And if he didn't, who did?

The world was so large, and there was so many people with individual stories of their own. Each of them had a beginning, and all of them would have an end. These were things that others deemed inevitable- they couldn't imagine a world without a beginning or end. They came hand in hand, if you had a beginning you had to have an end. That was their truth.

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