It isn't right

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Walking out of Brimstone's office through the compound, Sova isn't angry. Stunned, maybe, but he can't bring himself to be properly frustrated. Maybe it's for the best; Brim hasn't made a bad decision before. Sova just has to be a good soldier and take orders. Nothing wromg with that.

He approaches his locker to retrieve his clothes, and there's Cypher waiting for him, baring what Sova can only assume is a shit eating smirk under his mask as he flicks a tripwire activator between his fingers. Okay, maybe Sova is a little angry.

"Novikov," Cypher greets him.

"I've told you not to call me that," Sova spits.

"Ah, he is fiesty today? Bad news from our fearless leader?"

Sova glares at him. Cypher feigns innocence.

"Brimstone he is... a good army leader." Cypher presses. "Makes decisions he thinks are best."

Sova thinks that the best decision Cypher could currently make is to shut his mouth, but he keeps that to himself.

"What do you want?"

"Me? Nothing, nothing."

"That is clearly not true, or you would have shut up by now."

"Can't I talk to my friend without ulterior motive? Maybe I want to comfort you after your... unfortunate discharge from service."

"We aren't friends." It takes Sova a few seconds to catch on. "I never told you that! How did you-"

Cypher waits patiently.

"You have the office bugged?"

He nods.

"Do you have no regard for privacy?" Sova yells, a little too loudly. Chamber, walking out of the showers turns and raises an eyebrow. Sova waves him off.

"How else would I find anything out?"

Sova considers this. "It's still not correct."

"You have seen the people you are in the company of, Sova. Do you expect us to hold ourselves to the same standard as you?"

"No. I just- It isnt right."

"Neither is Brimstone," Cypher persists. "All you did was spare one life and you are now prevented from fighting? That does not sound right."

"It isn't my place to question things."

"Only because you make it so."

Sova finally concentrates long enough to re-open his locker and gather his things. He considers just walking away, but he doesn't want Cypher to make a scene.

"What are you trying to get at?" He sighs finally, shutting the locker for what he hopes is a final time today.

"Nothing, nothing. I just think it is interesting that he does not want you to see the man you spared. Especially since our omega friends are in contact. But if you have decided against pressing, I will respect that." Cypher shrugs, stowing his gadget into his belt and starting to walk away, very slowly.

"They have been what?" Sova is startled enough at the revelation to play into Cypher's very obvious ploy.  A hint of pleasure creeps into Cyphers voice at provoking Sova.

"I'm sure you don't want to know more Novikov. That would go against your code."


"Well, I would be using my surveillance equipment. You are clearly above it-"

"I am above it, yes."

"Well. If you want to learn more you know where to find me." He exits the locker room, humming something quietly to himself.

Sova isn't sure what to do. He wants to trust in Brimstone, but why would he withhold something like that? Especially if it had to do with Sova's double. Enough of that, though. Sova trusts Brimstone's judgement, and he certainly won't question his leader on Cypher's account. No, better to forget the conversation entirely.

Sova slips into the showers, quietly pleased that if anything, at least he's alone with his thoughts now.


It doesn't even take him that long to cave.

Cypher is the agent Sova likes least, trusts least. At least Fade was being honest when she blackmailed the protocol, at least she was up front about it. Cypher? Dishonesty is his middle name. Or maybe it's his full name for all anyone knows about him. But still, something in the way he said what he did captured Sova's attention more than he'd have cared to admit. 

Dressed in sweatpants and a jersey, he's been trying to decide first whether to, and eventually when to see Cypher. After dark, probably. It's not against any rule to do whatever he wants, and Sova knows it, but something about the nature of the visit makes him uneasy. Better no one knows and asks him about it. So he waits for the clock to strike eleven before he slips out of his room and down the compound hallway. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2022 ⏰

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