Paisley Brianna Carter Pt 2

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Next Day

Paisley POV

I was making breakfast I was starving there were lots of people here

Elvis POV

I just finished washing up and walked out the door I came to the outdoor cafe they have I seen paisley ahh she's so beautiful

Paisley was talking to a few people until Elvis approached her and gave her a kiss on the cheek ...he came to eat

The girls wonder if they had anything going on between them because that's the first time a guy ever took interest or did that

Paisley didn't say anything about them having but she did say they have been getting to know each other ...she had a feeling that something good will come along with it

Elvis and paisley laughed talked had a very good time at breakfast

Elvis and paisley have been on a few dates since he arrived and they have been fun now he was coming up with a way to ask her to be his girlfriend

A week later

Paisley POV

Elvis wanted to meet up with me tonight he said it was a surprise I wonder what it is but I have a very good feeling about it

Elvis POV

Tonight was the night that ask paisley to be my girlfriend she's made me very happy over the months we gotten to know each other

6:30pm(night time)

Paisley POV

I made it to the location Elvis told me to meet him at suddenly I had a feeling that something good was going to happen

She came to a stop and saw beautiful candles lit up but didn't see Elvis ...suddenly he came out and started singing can't help falling in love to her and she got so emotional everything was being recorded on a camera that he borrowed

Then he told her to look up in the sky and it said

Will You Be My Girlfriend

He stood behind her and she faced him she was in tears

Elvis: well will you

Paisley: yes

She gave him the biggest hug and fireworks sprinted in the air ...they stared at it for a few minutes

Elvis got the camera and showed it to her it was very special he wanted to make it out of a videotape so they can look back on it

Their anniversary is November 1st 1977 ...Elvis was so Happy that she said yes and never want to forget this moment

A Day Later

Paisley POV

I just finished my grocery shopping so now I am heading back I was honestly thinking about finding me an apartment

She had a bag full of groceries and couldn't see where she was going then she bumped into someone by someone her boyfriend Elvis

Paisley: sorry couldn't see with all these groceries

Elvis: it's ok let me help

Paisley: thanks could use it

She bought the stuff into the house and placed it on the counter

She turned around before she could say anything Elvis kissed her every since they had sex his hormones been spinning like crazy

Paisley told him to wait til later but he couldn't hold it and she knew it but she told him if he did I would be very special....he couldn't wait till later to see how special it was going to be

Paisley: oh by the way I'm moving out

Elvis: what...why

Paisley: because I want my own space and I've been here for to long it's time to move forward

Elvis: but I'll miss you

Paisley: I know(suddenly she had an idea) how about you move in with me

It took him by surprise when paisley said it to him but it wasn't a bad idea

Paisley: we can live together just think of it as our home and all the privacy we'll have

Elvis knew that was true and privacy was very important

Elvis: ok

Paisley: ok great I'll start searching then and let you know the move in date

Elvis: ok can I stay the night with you

Paisley: yes you don't have to ask you know

Elvis: I know

She began looking for an apartment on the computer something for her and Elvis she knew he'll be lonely he when she moves that why she insisted on him moving in with her he was excited

Elvis came to shower and paisley got dinner started she made pork chops with Mac and cheese and mashed potatoes with a side of bacon for Elvis he loved bacon

She sat their plates down on the table and made their drinks

Paisley: dinners ready

Elvis: ok here I come

They sat down and ate their food Elvis was going to town on them pork chops it had lots of flavor

Paisley thought it was so cute she knew he loved pork chops

They cleaned up the mess and came to bed...she gave Elvis an extra toothbrush to brush his teeth

Paisley already took her shower and now she's getting ready for bed

Paisley: what are you thinking about

Elvis: how much I miss everyone

Paisley: I know but you'll always be loved no matter what

Elvis: I know ...but everything will be ok

Elvis: I know

She gave him a kiss goodnight and went to sleep

He turned the light off and fell asleep he knew that he was deeply missed by his fans and family he most definitely missed his daughter Lisa Marie but he did wanted more kids before he passed but never got the chance but he would love to have more kids in the future

Paisley never had children in the real world with her ex and she was glade that she didn't

Elvis and paisley were cuddled up next to each other as they were asleep

As the air hit their faces and hair as they are asleep ...paisley loved to cuddle it was one of her favorite things to do in relationships honestly this will be her second relationship

The night was officially midnight and everyone was exhausted

Next chapter is coming

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