Baby #2

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Paisley POV

I just gave birth to our beautiful baby daughter she was just so precious

Elvis POV

Our princess was here she was so precious we now have a two year old and a new born life is good

Born: Snow Elizabeth Presley
DOB: June 1st 1982
Weigh: 7 pounds 9OZ
Time: 10:00am
Parents: Elvis Presley And Paisley Presley

An hour later

Paisley POV

Snow was so beautiful her dad just left to take Benjamin to the bathroom and to get some food he'll be back shortly

Elvis POV

We came to get some food plus Benjamin had to use the bathroom

Elvis: we're back

Paisley: ok thanks

He place the food down on the counter and gave paisley her food

Paisley gave snow to Elvis and let him rock her to sleep while she ate her food...Benjamin was excited to be a big brother to his baby sister and already had the urge to be protective

Elvis: come see her Benjamin

He came and sat on his father lap and Elvis let him hold his sister

Benjamin: will she be coming home

Elvis: yes tomorrow

Benjamin was so happy to hear about her coming home

Elvis: well they have to rest let's go home and welcome her home

They left and paisley will see them tomorrow morning

Next Morning

Paisley POV

Been home for an hour now Elvis and Benjamin surprised us and welcomed us home it was the most sweetest thing ever I got very emotional about it

Elvis POV

Paisley And Snow are home we surprised them today my little family

Paisley put snow down to sleep and while she's on bed rest so she was working from home until she heals and gets better

Elvis was in the shower and Paisley came in to get some tynol but she couldn't help but to take a peek at Elvis ...he knew she was staring

Paisley got what she needed  and left out of the bathroom she got horny all over again

Paisley POV

Dammit I gotten horny all over again but it's ok I knew how to control them ...but Elvis always brings it out of me

Paisley took the medicine and came to lay down

Elvis came out the bathroom with a towel wrapped around him to put on his night clothes for tonight

Paisley was already asleep and out like a light ...Elvis came to bed and laid down he stared at paisley for a minute she was very beautiful he loved rubbing her face at night

Paisley: your alright

Elvis: yes what makes you say that

Paisley: because when you rub my face something is bothering you

Elvis knew that was true but he was completely fine least that what he though

Elvis: yes I'm ok

Paisley can see right through him and he knew it

Paisley: tell me ...what's wrong

Elvis: are you going to leave me

She knew Elvis didn't like to be alone or lonely at all or always came to mind

Paisley: why would I do that

Elvis: I just want to know

Paisley: no I won't leave you ...where is this coming from

Elvis: past experience

Paisley: I won't leave you ok ...I know back then things weren't easy for you and nobody was there for you but I won't you leave you ok we wouldn't be married if I didn't love you enough to stay

Elvis: even through the bad times

Paisley: yes even the bad days

Elvis: ok

Paisley: I love you

Elvis: I love you too

Paisley: now get some rest goodnight

Elvis: goodnight

Paisley laid her head down on Elvis chest and went to sleep n

For the first time in years Elvis goes to sleep and it felt nice

Next morning

Paisley POV

I woke up to Elvis being playful with me ugh it's to early in the morning for this

Elvis POV

Being playful with paisley in the morning always annoy her

Paisley: it's to early for this

Elvis: I know but it's so cute

Paisley rolled her eyes Elvis couldn't do nothing but laugh

Paisley: you lucky I love you

Elvis: I know I love you too

They kissed and snow started crying

Elvis: I got it

He came and got snow she was crying but when she felt his touch she stopped crying

Benjamin: can I help

Elvis: ok

So Benjamin helped his father change snow and put her back to sleep he was such a good big brother

Paisley came to do her hair and put it in a ponytail then she came to do her morning workout/run

She left the house and came for a run for a good hour or two

She already made breakfast for the boys to eat and snow bottle has already been made

They had a long day ahead of them as well Elvis was on the telephone paisley and Elvis were also planning Benjamin birthday he was turning three years old and starting soon soon he was growing up fast

He wanted to have 🦕 theme birthday party so his parents knew exactly what to give him and will do the birthday shopping for when paisley mom comes to babysit him they wanted it to be special for him

Soon as paisley came back they began looking up ideas on the computer to see what kind of theme they knew Benjamin would like for his third birthday

Elvis and paisley were a team when it came down to planning his birthday

Paisley came to give snow kisses she absolutely loved her children to death and loved being a mother something she always wanted to do

The photographer man came and they took another family photo together this time with baby snow

The picture was called The Presley Family it was nothing but big smiles on the camera they knew the pictures would be worth it once it finished

Elvis adored his little family and couldn't wait to see what the future holds for them

Next chapter is coming

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