𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 «𝟶𝟷»

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Today I stayed back with my sister at the support club. No specific reasons, I was rotting at home out of boredom anyways... as a matter, of course, I am here, with a bunch of cancer kids. Staying back isn't as bad as I expected it to be. A few months back my sister Becky was diagnosed with stage 3 metastatic lung cancer. Doctors say she doesn't have a high chance of surviving as the cancer is spreading too fast but we never gave up. Mom and Dad have been running to different hospitals and cancer specialists for her, but still, there's no ray of light for us. As her brother, I don't come to much of a help but I still try to support her as much as I can. I take her out wherever she wants to go and attempt to fulfill her wishes. Last Friday I took her to the beach as she wanted to see the sunset. What sucks is that she won't be here for too long. I cry every day...I know guys are supposed to be rough and tough and not cry but my sister's going to fucking die. What do you expect me to do? Becky says I differ a lot from other guys just because I am sentimental. Most guys are just jerks or cool and fancy whereas I am minimalistic. Guys are usually athletic, they play football and fuck cheerleaders but I don't do any of that. I think I want to experience something real and exciting. You can say I am a hopeless romantic which is weird I know. Most people mistake me to be gay but in reality, I'm not, my sister is. She's a lesbian, mom and dad are quite chill with it and I give no shit about it as well. She had this emo girlfriend for 6 months but they broke up before we moved to New York. I must admit I am glad about their breakup because that emo girl used to creep me out a lot. "Zeph check out that girl in the black dress" Becky whispered in my right ear. My eyes soon fell on a girl, sitting with her legs crossed, wearing a simple black dress. She's blonde and wow...I must say she's very hot but she looks gloomy. It felt like love at first sight until "I really like her " Becky whispered. Dammit! Becky's got eyes for her. Guess I have no chance with her. While the other people were talking about themselves I kept my gaze on the blondie. I wonder why she is here...never seen her here before. Does she have cancer too? or is she here with a friend? I don't normally think about girls in this way but she's got this charm that is catching me off guard. I just noticed her ocean-like blue eyes. I really wish Becky doesn't try to hit on her because I want her. She seems like an innocent sweet sunshine-like person. As I keep thinking about her, she stands up and then makes an announcement. I get to hear her sweet angelic voice " Thanks everyone for supporting this place for months. I hope you had a great time together. I am Raquel and my dad owned this place. You all know him already..." She paused and took a breath. An air of melancholy suddenly surrounded her. "My dad passed away last night and I am sorry to say that I have to shut down this place from today due to certain circumstances." She stood quiet as everyone reacted to her statement. Now I know why she looks so gloomy...I wish I could go up on stage and give her a tight hug. At this point, I sound too cringe. I don't know what has gotten into me after I saw her. While exiting the building, everyone was busy saying goodbye when I was looking for Raquel. "Are you planning to camp here or what? " Becky asks annoyed. "Do you have any interest in that girl? " I ask her "What girl? " she questions "That blondie " I say waiting for her reply. "No, she is not my type. She is just pretty but I like scary girls." I give her a weird look and then smile widely at her statement. Jackpot! Raquel is now mine. Now I don't know how to reach her...fuck. Fortunately, I spot Blondie standing next to a taxi but when I was about to go to her she left. SHIT! I lost her forever now. My luck is actually shitty. I stand disappointed when Becky appears and teases me. For the next few hours, I get mocked by Becky about what happened. 


I looked for her in every way possible. Failed to find her social accounts. Failed to get her number. Failed to find her address or school or anything that could lead me to her. After trying everything I could I gave up. I guess she is not the one for me. I'll just forget her and live like I used to. I guess I'll never find the love I am looking for. I guess I'll forever be a loner. Fuck my life! I vent out my anger playing God of War when Becky shows up. "Get ready! " she says cheerfully, I look at her confused about what she was saying. "You have a date in 22 minutes!! quickly dress up and get your ass out of here. " "What the fuck are you saying? what date? " I ask. "Mom is setting you up with her bestie's daughter. You better go or else she'll throw you out of the house. Apparently, Mom promised Mrs. Jean that you'll go on a blind date with her daughter Taylor. " I stood up surprised about what I just heard. "BLIND DATE WHAT? why?? I don't want to go! why did she do this without my approval? " "You better go I am saying...Mom will be mad if you don't "I can't believe this bullshit. I never agreed about this but now I have to go on this stupid blind date? GREAT! " I say frustrated. "Come on chill! it is not going to be that bad. Wear something good okay? " She says and leaves my room laughing like a witch. 

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