school's out

353 1 0

Word count: 1896

Lila pov:

We got to the police station and reporters were everywhere. How do they get this shit so fast?

"And you're 100% certain that both of you were attacked?" Sid and I nod.

"I don't know if it was Billy. The killer just showed up and left after I called you guys. But what if there is two?" Sidney says.

"Well due to the time difference we think he just switched houses. We won't rule it out, but there is a higher chance of that than there is two."

"When can we go home Dewey?" Tatum asks. They got into some quarrel, but I made eye contact with Billy. Why would he do this? He wouldn't hurt me, I start to doubt my accusation.

"We better take you out the back." I hear the sheriff say when he walks out.

"Yeah yeah I'll take em." Dewey walks us and there wasn't a car.

"Okay stay here, I'll be quick just stay quiet." When he left, Gale walked up to us with a camera. Oh my god what a needy bitch. Then others followed.

"Hello Sydney and Lila." I roll my eyes.

"Can you tell us what happened?" She pointed the mic at us.

"They aren't answering questions okay? so leave us alone." Tatum intervened.

"It's okay Tatum, let the twisted selfish lady do her job." I say.

"Right Gale?" Sidney asks.

"Yeah that's right." She didn't even deny it. Dewey came up with the squad car.

"How's the book?" Sid asks.

"It'll be out later this year." She smiles, how can she be so proud of it?

"I'll look for it." Sidney smiles.

"I'll send you a copy." Oh no she didn't. With that Sidney gave her the sickest right hook.

"Fuck yeah Sid!" I yell. Dewey came up and pulled us in the car.


"God I loved it I'll send you a copy and BAM the bitch is down. Sid-Superbitch." Tatum say's excitingly. It was silent until Dewey came in with an ice pack.

"Dewey, did my dad call?" Sid asked.

"No yet. We are looking, if you need anything.."

"Yeah yeah yeah." Tatum goes to close the door. I went down to touch my wound. The cut wasn't deep enough to kill me.

The telephone rings and I perk up from next to Sidney.

"Do you really think it was Billy?"

"He was there Tatum. I didn't even know he and my brother were gone. Then on the phone the killer mentioned that they were."

"I knew that guy was too perfect. He was destined to have a flaw." There was a knock on the door and Tatum's mom walked in.

"Telephone dear," She held it up for Sid.

"Who is it?"

"It's for Lils." We walk out. Sid followed me and rubbed my shoulder. Maybe it was my parents. Or Stu?


"Hello Lila."

"No!" I scream, please be a prank call.

"Poor Billy-boyfriend. An innocent guy didn't stand a chance with you or Sidney." I perked up, it wasn't a joke. What did he mean by Sidney though? They broke up almost a year ago.

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