video party

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Word count: 1991

Billy pov~

"Remember Stu, if all goes well. We can go through with the plan." I say. When Stu and I pulled up to the video store, a sweet innocent voice was behind us.

"Hey boys." She says, acting like nothing happened between us earlier. I hate fighting with her.

"Hey little sis. What are you doin here alone? It's not safe for you." Stu says with his goofy voice.

"Well I wanted to talk to Billy." Shocker, I'm surprised it wasn't waiting for tonight.

"Well then, I'll be inside with Randy." Stu says with a smile and dramatic entrance.

"Hey so what's up?" I ask.

"Well I thought about some shit. I do care for you a lot Bill. But shit just happened and I don't want that to affect us." I smile and lift her up in a hug.

"Okay okay, but I want to take things slow. With everything going on, I feel it to be inconsiderate." I put her down.

"That's fine, now want to pick out some movies for tonight?" I say grabbing her hand.

"Sure." We walk in and she catches up to Stu, I look in the horror section. Stu wants a ton of Jamie Lee Curtis movies.

Lila pov~

"Now that is poor taste." I stand next to Stu. I turn to see Billy in the horror section and cheerleaders are talking to him. I can tell he doesn't give the attention back as much. I felt that bad jealousy again, they shouldn't be talking to him.

"You're such a little lap dog. He's got killer printed all over his forehead."

"Careful Randy, that's my boyfriend you're talking about."

"Oh ReAlLY? okay. Then why did the police let him go?" Stu asks.

"Because, obviously they don't watch enough movies! This is standard horror movie stuff. Prom Night revisited." We keep moving down the aisle.

"Why would he try to kill his own girlfriend?" Stu asks, wrapping an arm around me. Exactly, why would he? I'm also his best friend's little sister.

"There's always some stupid bullshit to kill your girlfriend. That's the beauty of it. Simplicity. Besides, if it gets too boring, you lose your target audience." He raises his tone, I get uncomfortable now. I notice a woman behind him get frightened. I walked up to her before she ran off.

"Hey it's fine. He is just a movie nerd." She nods and walks off.

"Everybody's a suspect!" I hear Randy yell. Everyone pauses and looks away. I stand a good distance behind him.

"I'm telling you, it's Billy." Out of nowhere Billy comes in and grabs his collar.

"How do we know you're not the killer?" I place my hand on his shoulder, he eases up a bit.

"H-Hi... Billy." Awe poor Randy is actually scared.

"Maybe your movie freaked mind lost it's reality button." Stu leans on his back. Randy laughs it off.

"You're absolutely right. I'm the first to admit it, I'd be the prime suspect."

"And what's your motive?" Stu asks.

"It's the millennium. Movies are incidental."

"Millennium." Billy faces me and back to Randy, "Millennium. I like that. That's good." He pinches his nose. Billy always teased him like this.

"Good kid." He pats his cheek and walks away. I follow by wrapping my arms around his torso.

Stu pov~

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