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Osara pov:

*Yawn* Osara slowly wakes up to see Kang-Joon hugging in to him fast asleep he can't help but smile but slowly takes his hands away and lifting him up to his bed as quiet as he can go. He deserve better then that girl, Osara said until he got a phone call from one of his group members.

Sangwoo/member: Osara! We have to meet up as soon as possible.

Osara: Huh why? I thought rehearsal was done for today.

Sangwoo: We aren't practicing! Just come and I'll tell you what happened.

Osara: Fine but this better not be a waste of time.

Sangwoo hangs up and texts Osara the location.

Sigh, I will just get ready and head out, Osara says with an annoyed voice. He walks into the bathroom and changes a hoodie and black pants.

 He walks into the bathroom and changes a hoodie and black pants

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Osara outfit:

*Mind* this will do I guess but I need to head out and hope I don't get distracted by fans..* He walks out of the college dorm noticing that he left his phone, he heads back in to see Kang-Joon all red, Kang-Joon is something wrong?! Osara said with a worried look.Ah no it's just hot hah.. Kang-Joon said embarrassingly, Ah well that's good but I'm going out for a couple hours if you need me to stay and talk about um you know.. then I'm gladly to stay, Osara speak with a smile. Nope it's okay I'm fine now just go out and have fun with whoever your going with uhhh.. bye! Kang-Joon quietly said. Ah alright I'm glad your okay now but ima head out so see you later, Osara said and smiled and grabbed his phone and walked out.

At the location (Cafe) Hey Osara sit quickly! Sangwoo said with a confused face. Hey Sangwoo and Haebom is everything okay? Osara said smiling. Did you do anything to a fan of yours? Sangwoo said, Huh I don't think I did but why? Osara said confused. Because someone talked about how you treating her badly when she confessed to you and you said mean stuff to her and now everyone is posting tweets about how your a terrible person and don't deserve to be a idol! Sangwoo said with a serious face. Huh I don't remember.. ah wait someone did confess to me earlier today.. but all I did was turn her down and wished her luck to find someone new I didn't say anything bad! Osara spoke with a worried face. Well right now your cancelled! The dance instructor said she doesn't want you in the next show.. Haebom said with a frown.WHAT!? I SPENT SIX MONTHS PRACTICING FOR THE SHOW AND YOU GUYS ARE LEAVING ME OUR OF IT?! Osara yelled with anger. Osara you know we wouldn't leave you out if we had a choice but we can't say anything about it unless we want the show to be cancelled.. Haebom said worriedly. Well f*ck the dance instructor I'm leaving good luck at that stupid show, Osara said angrily. He walks out holding back tears and rushes back to college.

Kang-Joon pov:

That was so embarrassing I cried in front of my roommate! And on top of that we fell asleep by each other agh he just doesn't wanna see me at all now! I'm so embarrassed.. Kang-Joon said. *Mind* I guess I should just sleep for a bit..* Kang-Joon falls asleep.
Three hours past. *Yawn*,*Mind* Is someone knocking on the door? Kang-Joon opens the door to see Osara crying.Huh what's wrong Osara is everything okay?! Kang-Joon panicked, n-no *sob* something terrible just happened to me, Osara continues to cry even more.Osara do you want to talk about it? Kang-Joon said worried. I don't wanna tell you Kang-Joon, Osara said while crying. Ah okay i understand what should I do to make you feel better? Kang-Joon smiled slightly. I just want to sit down and cry. Osara continued to cry. Okay Osara should I sit next to you or do you want me to leave? Kang-Joon spoke, Please stay with me Kang-Joon I don't want to be alone right now, Osara cried as I watched him sit down on the floor, I sat by him and hugged him as he continued to cry. *Mind* I wonder what it is.. but I'll try my best to comfort him since he helped me* Kang-Joon smiled. F*ck my life! I spent six months just for some stupid b!tch who spread lies about me for turning her down! Osara said with anger, Ah sorry I didn't mean to swear.. Osara looked at me slightly. It's okay it doesn't bother me..But it must be terrible for spending six months for someone to ruin it.. I'm really sorry about that happening to you Osara, I said with a worried face. Osara hugged me and just stayed quiet, I hugged him back and he fell asleep. *Mind* he just be tired from everything that happened..* I rub his head slightly while hugging him.

Osara pov:

I fell asleep in his arms, *Mind* so embarrassing but doesn't he know I'm awake now?* I watched Kang-Joon hug me and rub my head, I couldn't help but smile and hoping he wouldn't notice I'm awake so we could stay like this for a while. Kang-Joon, I said, he answered with a simple "yeah?" how come you aren't on social media? I asked. Well I don't like social media it didn't interest me at all but why do you ask? He answered.Well I actually thought you would be the guy who would post on social media and know everything about everyone if I'm being honest, I laughed as he looked offended.Well are you on social media? Kang-Joon asked me. Ah well I guesss you can say that, *Mind* finally someone who doesn't know that I'm a idol.." Kang-Joon laugh but asked, If you don't mind but can you tell me why you were crying? I didn't want to answer so I made a lie. I did a art project and it took me six months to make but some girl confessed to me and I turned her down and she told everyone about how I was being selfish and stuff like that.. Osara said, I didn't want to lie to him but it felt nice knowing that someone is talking to me not because I'm a idol. Ah that was horrible of her im sorry that happened Osara but I'm glad you told me it makes me feel happy because no one has ever told me why they were feeling upset before, Kang-Joon smiled at me it made me feel guilty for telling a lie but I smiled at him and hugged him but I took my arms away from him and told him, what do you think of people liking the same gender Kang-Joon? he didn't answer for a few minutes but then said, it doesn't bother me at all it's what people like and you can't change there mind regardless so I think it's alright but I haven't met anybody who felt that way about the same gender, I smiled and said, well I'm glad you think that because I'm not interested in girls and felt embarrassed about it for year's, that's the reason why I turned down that girl. I immediately regretted that just in case he thought I was weird but he spoke, that's really cool Osara and I'm glad you didn't wanna hide it from me, he smiled at me and it made me feel weird.

That's the end of chapter three, hope this was good enough for you all!

Thank you all so much for reading, chapter 4 will be out soon<3

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