What Is This Feeling?

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Kang-Joon pov:

Osara went quiet after a while, Ima go to bed since it's late.. maybe you should too? I said but he looked at me as if he was guilty of something but it didn't bother me. Ah yeah I'm head to bed I'm just going to do something real quick. Alright, I responded and walked to the bathroom and out my pyjamas on. I changed into a grey sweater and red pants.

Kang-Joon pyjamas:

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Kang-Joon pyjamas:

*Yawn* I walk out of the bathroom to see Osara filming himself talking I didn't want to ears drop so I put on headphones and went to lay in my bed and listen to music, I fell asleep as I listen to a calm song.

The next day, *Yawn* I have classes today In a hour, I said tiredly. I turn around to see Osara still asleep and I couldn't help myself and stare about how handsome he was, *Mind* if I was into boys I would be all over him he is so handsome.. maybe I should ask him to help me get more attractive* I stay and watch him for another five minutes and then get up and go to the bathroom to change my clothes. I change into a white sweater and grey pants for a simple look.

 I change into a white sweater and grey pants for a simple look

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Kang-Joon outfit:

Osara wakes up, I walk out of the bathroom to see Osara awake. Good morning did you sleep well? Kang-Joon said with a smile. Ah good morning *Yawn* I didn't sleep the best but what about you? Osara asked tiredly, I had a great sleep oh and uh do you have any classes for this morning? Kang-Joon asked. Ah yeah I have a class at 10:45 what about you? Osara answered and I couldn't help but think about how good he look even tho he just woke up. I keep getting this weird feeling when I think about him, Kamg-Joon are you there? Why aren't you answering, Osara spoke. Ah sorry what was it again? I said embarrassingly. What time is your first class? Osara said, Oh it's at  10:45! I said with a embarrassing look on my face. Guess we have the same class then so wait for me I am going to get change and we will go together, Osara exclaimed. Ah okay, i answered but I get a phone call from someone.

Quinn: Hey uh Kang-Joon

Kang-Joon: What is it Quinn?

Quinn: I'm sorry for breaking up with you I just felt really angry so can we get back together?

Kang-Joon: You told me that you had feelings for you "boy best friend"

Quinn: Well things didn't work out with him and I still love you!

Kang-Joon: Nice try Quinn but I don't want to be someone else's second option.

I hanged up on her, Osara walked out of the bathroom wearing a green sweater and light brown pants,he looked so attractive in a basic outfit, why do I keep feeling this weird feeling?

I hanged up on her, Osara walked out of the bathroom wearing a green sweater and light brown pants,he looked so attractive in a basic outfit, why do I keep feeling this weird feeling?

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Osara outfit:

Osara pov:

I come out of the bathroom to see Kang-Joon looking at me weirdly. You alright Kang-Joon is there something on me? I said confused. Ah u-uh no i just zoned out so uh if your ready shall we go?! Kang-Joon said embarrassingly. Oh alright let's go, i said but it felt like Kang-Joon was uncomfortable with me.. is it what I said yesterday to him? Maybe I shouldn't have told him about my sexuality. A group of girls come running to me calling me these selfish names for a fake rumour. "Your So Mean!" "Worst Guy Ever" "Why Did You Say Such Mean Thing's To That Poor Girl" it made me feel terrible for something i didn't do. Ladies that girl confessed to me and I turned her down and wished her luck to find someone better then me and I said nothing else, i said but Kang-Joon looked confused. Is this about yesterday? He whispered, yeah let's just go, i said. I put my hand on his shoulder and walk to class with him, He sat down until this pretty girl came and sat next to him.

Kang-Joon pov:

This girl came up to me, Hello I'm Jae! Is it okay if I sit next to you? She smiled at me I nodded my head and said, my name is Kang-Joon. She smiled at me and I smiled back I turn around to see that Osara was picking up his bag and moving, Osara where are you going?! I said. Ima sit by someone else i will see you after class.. have fun lovebirds, he winked at me and walked off. Jae laughed as he said that, sorry about that.. I said embarrassingly. She laughed and responded, it's alright it doesn't bother me but hey isn't he a idol? I looked at her confused, huh Osara? I asked confused, yeah he looks like someone from the group Aze, she responded. Oh I don't think he is otherwise he would have fangirls all over him, I laughed and so did she.

3 hours later- class finished, I get up and was about to walk out until Jae asked for my number. I gave her my number and smiled and looked for Osara. I see Osara alone at the cafe, Hey Osara why did you leave me at class? I asked, Ah well she looked really into you so I wanted to let you guys talk without being a bother, he laughed quietly but he looked jealous. Ah im not into her but that was kind of you Osara, I said but he seemed upset and I asked, Osara is everything okay? Oh yeah it's just lonely to have no lover in life, I mean I haven't had a love interest since I was sixteen, Osara said. Ah im sure you will find the love of your life on day Osara I mean I'm sure someone will want to be with you with that attractive face of yours, I laugh and looked at Osara and he blushed I felt confused, Kang-Joon are you into boys? He asked. Well I don't think I am because I only ever dated a girls, I respond. Well why don't you try and date a boy? He said, Well there aren't many boys that catch my eye Osara so I'm not sure if I can, I smile. Then what do you think of me? He asked with a smirk, Well your kind and attractive and also really caring, I said. Well thank you Kang-Joon and same to you, he smiled at me and asked if I wanted a drink I nodded my head and he got me a coffee. Here a coffee to make up for the one I spilled, he laughed as I smiled at him.

The end of the day, *Yawn* I'm so tired Osara can you piggyback me back to our dorm, I laughed. Well I would but I'm to tired too, he smiles. We get back to the dorm and he pins me to the wall.

That is the end of chapter four, I hope this chapter was good enough for you all.

Thank you so much for reading, chapter five will be coming soon<3

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