Chapter one

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"N-no, please. Just please let us go..." begged the woman.

I just stared at her with no emotion, I didn't feel any kind of sadness or pity towards this lady and even if I did I wouldn't spare her pathetic life.

"You had a second chance, but I know what you did- and did you really think I wouldn't know ?" I then smirked and continued " You see. People like you don't deserve to live ; all of you guys are just selfish lows lives that need to be eliminated one by one. Most people would think this world is peaceful and kind, but no it simply is not mainly with people like you lying around here tainting whatever goodness it has left. Now I think it's time for you to rest... in.. pieces.."

I got the woman by the collar of her white shirt, and pulled on it bring her closer to me. When she was close enough I pounced on her raising my knife; and then stabbed her in the chest. Over. And over. Again. And Again. Until... there was a dead silence.

I got up from her moving a few steps backwards admiring my art work of the kill. This was my third kill from today, I think I should call it a night this last kill has satisfied me enough. I walked away from the useless body walking out the back door and then running. I kept in running until I reached the entrance of the woods, which was six blocks away; when I reached the woods I took a short cut way home, but when walking I made sure that I wasn't leaving Any kinds of trace.

After walking a little farther and feeling confident that no one was around I took a sharp
Left turn and took a short cut way out of the woods; after I was completely outside the wooded area I striped down completely until I was in my undergarments. On top of the second tree towards my right side there my pajamas were, I redressed into them and also putting in my bed time socks I slowly walked and entered a white house. Quietly as I can to open the brown gate; and easily slip into the back yard; I then walked towards an open window and climbed into it closing the window behind me, after climbing up the steps I entered a light blue room and walked towards the bed. I lied down on the neon green blankets and was slowly falling asleep, when it felt like I was gonna be knocked out I whispered to my self " good to be home."


"Sweetie? Come on sweetie get up it's time for school."

I groaned turning to my side saying "no, me tired."

"Hey turd head mom said to get up!"

I immediately opened my eyes and shot out of bed. I . Was. Pissed.

"Shut your fucking mouth you whore!" I growled. " And DONT call her mom! she MY mom!"

"Oh quite you fucking waist of space-"

"Katelyn! That's enough. Now go down stairs and eat breakfast with your father." my mom commanded.

Katelyn rolled her eyes and stomped out of my room leaving the door behind her. Fucking bitch.

"Cassie... please try to get along with Kate. I know it's ha-" I interrupted her

"Mom Kate I can deal with, but... with dad not here it's just... just different. And what makes it worse is that you got remarried... yea I know it's been two years since what happened but I just can't seem to get over it..." I had my head down.

"Awe Cassie... well come on get up and get ready for school and since you feel down I'm gonna make you some pancakes." said mom

I looked up with a smile on my face "chocolate chips."

Mom nodded walking out of my room closing the door behind her... what a fool.

I got up from my bed walking into my closet; I climbed the top shelf finding a red box that says "memories" carved into it with black marker. I then climbed back down sitting on the floor but after closing my closet door along the way. I opened the box and the first thing I saw was a photo of my own dad, but he was covered in blood, had a knife stuck into his head, and was dead. What would be most disturbing, but isn't really noticed able is that if you look closely behind my dad's dead corpse is a little blonde girl smiling... Cassie A. James . The little girl who murdered her own father, and who got away with it. Aka- me.

You see there's actually a good reason to why I killed my dad for starters he was a drug attic, second had a ton of affairs, and third didn't deserve to live. He was a bad guy and didn't think he would die so young; especially murdered by his own little daughter. I myself didn't even think I would kill my own dad until he made me snap; it was another affair and it was my moms best friend who had slept with him. My mom told my dad that she wanted a divorce because she was and I quote " Sick of your shit." But of coarse my dad didn't allow that, and so he kept my mom and I in house lock down; while we were trapped no one noticed that we were gone. I didn't mind missing school at all because I hated everyone there which is why I never complained being on house locked down until my dad... I was looking for my mom all over the house,but couldn't find her I then check upstairs and walked into their room but when I did I regretted it. My dad was sexually abusing my own mother right before my little blue eyes; hitting, bitting, and cutting her, and that's when it me I got to eliminate him. He has to die.

It was night time and I had everything all set up. I made sure that my mom was asleep in her room and when she was I locked the door from the outside for she won't ruin anything.

My dad was in the basement watching a late football game and of coarse drinking. I went into the kitchen pulling out the biggest knife I can find, but before pulling it out I made sure and Checked if I was wearing my gloves; after getting what I needed I slowly walked into the basement making no kinds of sounds nothing at all... it was dead silence.

I got a good grip of the camera getting ready to take a picture; I finally reached behind my dad and he still never noticed my presence. I then grabbed the end of the knife and with all my force and might I stabbed him straight in the head instantly killing him... I then smiled with joy and started laughing shouting " finally ! Finally he's dead! My fathers dead!"

I put the camera on top of the tv setting it and getting into position for the photo, and there blinked the flash of the camera. Later I unlocked my moms bedroom door with the key that my "dad" supposedly had and I was acting hysterical, crying, and faking the whole thing. I told my mom that I saw a man in the house and killed dad and that I was too scared to move so I just hid in my room.

She believed me. And that's how I got away with it; when the police showed up I had to say what I told my mom still pretending to be scared and crying a bit. While I was acting something in my little mind popped up... I wanted to kill again. Non stop. Just kill and get rid of every bad person here in the world. I will murder the world and all the murders to. I am Cassie the killer. And all of you bad people should rest. In. Pieces.

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