𝟐𝟖| 𝐅𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐋𝐮𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐨

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He was stupid.

Very stupid, he doesn't know that I can kill him right now.

He made the greatest hater ever.

Piece of shit.

I was sitting in my office, drowning in paperwork, stretching my neck and arms. Soon, I was interrupted by a knock.

"Come," I said as Rose, my personal maid, entered.

"What's wrong, Rose?" I asked, lifting my head.

"Dinner is served," she said. I nodded, and she bowed, closing the door.

We were all working hard; they were preparing for meetings with other members and leaders. Now, they were busy, but I had requested everyone to join for dinner.

Tonight, we were celebrating our latest victory, toasting to our success and dominance in the underground world, like family and friends.

After signing the last paper, I headed down. They all waited for me, standing up as I entered.

"You may rise," I said, and they bowed.

"Seriously, you shouldn't do that," I remarked.

"We all have to respect you, boss," one of the guys said. I sighed.

We all sat down and began to eat. The room filled with chatter and laughter. Six weeks had passed since everything happened. I was fully into my mafia role and wishing to take down Luciano.

I took a bite of the succulent steak in front of me, savoring the rich flavors in my mouth. But suddenly, a wave of nausea hit me, causing me to drop my fork and clutch my stomach.

"Are you okay, boss?"one of my men asked, concern etched on his face.

"I-I'm fine," I gasped, quickly stood up, heading towards the kitchen, but couldn't hold it in. So, I puked in the bin.

"Anthea, are you okay?" I hear Joss calling behind me. I lift my thumb.

"Anthea, I think you need to see a doctor. This is the fourth time you're throwing up," I hear Aiden say.

"Please, can you leave me alone!" I plead, still puking my guts out.

"Boys, go back," Madeline said.

Madeline, the person who helps clean our "other" house (the one that my father was using to solve business) for a long time, often made us smile with cute moments.

Her and mom were like best friends.

Once, she found a little lost kitten, and we took care of it together. There were also times when she surprised me with my favorite snacks.

Madeline is more than a cleaner; she's like a friend, making regular moments special and full of happy memories.

When I didn't hear anyone near me anymore. I lift my head out of the bin.

"Oh, darling," I was met with Madeline wiping my mouth.

"Thanks," I manage to say.

"Come to the bathroom. It will be easier," she suggests.

Madeline is a very trusting maid; she said she and my mom were like best friends when she was here alone, and Manson was her husband. So they have been here for so long along with my parents.

When she helped me to the bathroom, I immediately began to puke. My stomach hurts so much. I can feel her hand on my back comforting me.

"Did you go to the hospital?" She asked. I just shook my head 'no.'

"Anthea," she warned me. I turned my head, leaning on the side of the bathtub.

"Darling, maybe you should go to bed," she suggests, and I nod.


As I lay in bed, struggling with nausea, Madeline came bustling in with a tray of food.

"Good morning, darling," she greeted me with a smile. "I made some chicken broth for you, it should help with your morning sickness."

I gave her a weak smile in return, feeling grateful for her presence. Ever since I had started experiencing these strange symptoms, she had been there to take care of me.

But the truth was, I had no idea what was happening to me. At first, I had thought it was just a stomach bug, but the symptoms kept getting worse. I had been feeling tired all the time, my breasts were sore, and certain smells made me queasy.

I couldn't even stomach the sight of my favorite wine anymore.

Madeline must have noticed my discomfort because she sat down next to me on the bed and gently rubbed my back.

"Have you thought about seeing a doctor, Anthea?"she asked softly.

I shook my head, feeling scared and uncertain. I couldn't afford to show any weakness. But this was a different kind of vulnerability, one that I couldn't ignore or hide from.

"I...don't know if I can, Madeline," I finally admitted, my voice trembling. "What if it's something serious? What if I can't handle it?"

Madeline's expression softened, and she took my hand in hers.

"Anthea, you are one of the strongest and most capable women I have ever met. If it turns out you are pregnant, I have no doubt that you will handle it with grace and strength."

I took a deep breath, feeling a sudden wave of determination. She was right. I was the leader of this family, and I couldn't let anything, not even a pregnancy, bring me down.

"Okay, I'll see a doctor," I said decisively.

Madeline smiled and helped me sit up, ready to assist me in getting dressed. As she helped me button up my shirt, I couldn't help but think about the father of this possible child.

Fucking Luciano.

I knew I had to tell him, but I was terrified of his reaction. Would he want to marry me, or would he see this as an opportunity to gain control over my family? I couldn't let that happen.

But as I walked into the doctor's office, with Madeline by my side, I felt a sense of calm wash over me. Whatever the outcome, I knew I had the strength to face it.

And as the doctor confirmed my suspicions, I couldn't help but feel a surge of love and protectiveness for the tiny life growing inside me. I may have been a ruthless leader, but now I was also going to be a mother.

A mother.

With Madeline by my side, I knew I could handle anything. And I was determined to protect my child and continue being the fearless leader that I was.

I looked over at Madeline, who was smiling at me with pride and support.

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