Special from the future history

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TRUNKS' NARRATION: Hello. My name is Trunks. And this is my story. (shows a more grown (Y/N) at a house; Trunks is a kid and is she's being held by Bulma while she sleeps)

(Y/N) then leaves the house with a new gi on.

TRUNKS' NARRATION: He loved me and my siblings with all his heart. I was the oldest. Dad's wifes died years ago as hunters or criminals against a foe. He was the only survivor of the fights not because he ran but because they kept defeating him humiliating him.

TRUNKS' NARRATION: Leaving the fate of Remnant with little hope even against grimm.

(cut to a bustling city)

TRUNKS' NARRATION: Over the next thirteen years, the Androids and grimm would destroy small town after small town, working their way up. Maybe that's why we reacted the way we did...

TJ: And welcome back, folks, to TJ...

WOMBAT: And the Wombat! Wombat! Wombat.

WOMAN: Me so horny.

TJ: Starting us off this hour with sports. The College BattleBall Association has had to disband entirely...

WOMBAT: As most of its players and associate colleges have been destroyed by the Cyborgs!

VOICE: (laughter) Wipeout...

TJ: Speaking of which, in Cyborg News... (Terminator theme plays with the moan of a woman at the end)

(the city is under attack by the Cyborgs)

WOMBAT: As we currently speak, Paprikaburg is under siege by the mechanical threat!

TJ: But on the brighter side, Wombat's getting married! (wedding song plays with the moan of a woman playing again at the end)

WOMBAT: That's right! Unfortunately, my beloved fiancé resides in Paprikaburg, and is probably most certainly dying as we speak. (funeral music plays with another moan of a woman at the end)

Cut to Bulma and Trunks riding in a car.

WOMBAT: But, silver-lining: I'm single again!

AUSTIN POWERS: Oh, behave! (Austin Powers theme intro plays until Bulma changes the station)

BULMA: *sighs* I miss country.

TRUNKS: Mom...do you believe in destiny?

BULMA: I'm a scientist, so no. But Pyrrha did...

TRUNKS: Paprikaburg is only thirty miles from here! If I hurry, I could save someone!

BULMA: (stops the car) Or you could die like your other moms!

TRUNKS: Why do you say that everytime I want to go fight them?

BULMA: Because you are 15, I'm 37.

TRUNKS' NARRATION: My mother had been 37 for ten years...

BULMA: No means no. End of discus-- (Trunks flies off) Oh, no! Just-just fly away! That's fine! (thinking) God...bless her.

Cut back to Paprikaburg where 17 is chasing screaming civilians in a car.

CYBORG 17: Hey, 18! You keepin' score?

CYBORG 18: Why would I be doing that?

CYBORG 17: *sighs* You said you would!

CYBORG 18: No, you said, 'Hey, check this shit out!', then jumped in a car.

CYBORG 17: Aw, come on, sis. Is this about the shop earlier?

Flashback of 18 walking toward a car holding a couple of new clothes.

CYBORG 18: Oh, man. You wouldn't believe this haul. This is why I love these little inner-city shops. They always have the best brands... (17 destroys the shop with a finger blast) What the hell?! Why did you blow it up?! They were giving me free clothes!

The idiot Saiyan of Remnant (Male Reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now