Chapter 92

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Qrow Branwen is shown holding Clover Ebi's bloodied pin in his hand, staring somberly at it, while sitting in a prison cell made of Hard-Light Dust. Footsteps can be heard pacing.

Robyn: (sighs) This is your fault. You realize that, don't you? All I wanted was to bring people together, to give them a chance at a better life. But you...

She angrily glares to the individual in the next cell over.

Jacques:  Me? I am a victim! (Robyn scoffs upon hearing this) I'll admit I was duped. Used! And although my hands may not be clean, at least I am not (slightly turns to Qrow) a murderer!

Qrow looks up upon hearing that. Robyn gives him a sympathetic look.

Robyn: He didn't kill anybody... (raising her voice) And I'm not gonna stand here and be lectured by some snake with a mustache who helped that man tear us all apart!

Qrow and Jacques look over to another adjacent cell, where said man is revealed as Arthur Watts, shown contently lying down on his bench with his hands propped behind his head.

Watts: (raising his hand) Yes, well... I suppose we're all stuck in it together now.

Jacques: Speak for yourself, I know the right people. I'm sure Whitley has reached out to my legal team and will have me out of here before you can say--

Robyn: SHUT UP!!!

Robyn punches the Hard-Light Dust wall, startling Jacques.

Suddenly, a buzzer sound is heard, getting the prisoners' attention. Qrow hides Clover's pin as a squad of Atlesian military soldiers enter the room and disable the hard-light Dust for Watts' cell and enter.

Watts: You do realize you already caught me?

One of the soldiers uses his gun to bash Watts' head, knocking him out and startling Jacques. The prisoners watch on as the soldiers drag Watts away and out of the room.

Robyn: (sighs) I hate not being able to do anything... (sits back down on her bench)

Qrow: We can do something... (lifts his head up with a dark look in his eyes) We can kill the man who put us here...

A news report is playing, showing a picture of James Ironwood with the symbol of Atlas behind him. The news network Atlas Eye has the subtitle "DEVELOPING STORY: GENERAL IRONWOOD HALTS MANTLE EVACUATIONS" displayed on the bottom of the screen.

Reporter: With still no word from General Ironwood, Mantle citizens are frightened and perplexed by the sudden withdrawal of military personnel, especially given the massive Grimm horde outside the kingdom. (images of various flying Grimm as well as the Monstra are shown on screen) I've... never seen anything quite like this.

In the background, civilians can be seen evacuating in the streets. Joanna Greenleaf is seen looking over it before turning around to notice the news team.

Reporter: It truly feels like the end of days, but the Atlas Eye is committed to updating the public, until our dying--

Suddenly, Joanna grabs the microphone from the reporter.

Reporter: Wha--? Hey, wait!

Joanna stabs her weapon in the ground and glares at the reporter, startling him. She then looks to the camera and starts speaking.

Joanna: Citizens of Mantle, General Ironwood has abandoned you, but we have not! If you can hear this, gather any food and supplies you need to stay warm, then head to the Mantle crater.

While she speaks, a montage of Mantle citizens are shown leaving their homes and making their way down the streets to safety. A pair of Atlesian Knight-130s are shown investigating Pietro Polendina's pharmacy, but they are gunned down by Yang Xiao Long, accompanied by Jaune Arc, Lie Ren and Oscar Pine.

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