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We left The Principal's office with a key. It turned out that he's actually a nice man. The reason he treated us differently before was because he hated partygoers after what they did to us and I wouldn't judge him for it. Even if the Fun War wasn't about other entities; they were still strongly affected by it. All the entities from level 52 have been noticed to show signs of PTSD. Or at least that's what humans kept saying.

We both started heading towards the exit while I took a closer look at the key that The Principal gave me. It was really small, but it was made out of a strong, reflective metal with a number "13" written on it.

-I wonder what 32 needed it for... -67 pondered. I forgot for a while why we were even looking for it in the first place, but I agreed with them. The baker seemed suspicious from the very start.

We entered level 12 in order to get to level 13. We expected to see humans guarding it with weapons in their hands, but fortunately; no. It's been a while since "the accident", so they probably got tired of waiting for nothing to come. And it was too pricey to keep these guards here anyway, that's what I heard at least.

Level 12 looked the same as when we last saw it... except for some obvious traps laying on the ground. The longer I was here the more I started realising how dumb they think we are. Just because we are not humans, doesn't mean we are stupid. In fact; most entities are far more intelligent than them, but I didn't expect them to understand that. We noclipped to level 13 very cautiously, expecting to see some huge security doors that we would have to unlock. Instead, we noticed that nothing changed on this level. Or maybe we were not attentive enough.

-What is this key even for?! -67 looked around the whole ground floor in order to find anything they could unlock with it.

-Maybe they gave up with the doors too. -I sighed. I felt betrayed by fate. "I went through all this shit on level 52 for nothing?" I thought.

-Give me that key. -67 requested. I handed them the key, hoping they'll maybe notice something that I did not. They started rotating the key, looking at it through every possible angle.-Ha! There it is! -They said proudly while pointing at a tiny text under the number "13". It clearly said "floor 283".

-But... isn't that floor occupied by B.N.T.G? -I was confused.
-Not only! - They claimed, proud of their discovery.-Lately, M.E.G inhabitated some of that floor as well... - Their expression suddenly changed and they gave me a weird stare.-They claimed a part of that floor after our "accident" with that woman... -That explained... a lot. Maybe that's why the internet wouldn't shut up about what happened recently. It wasn't even as bad as she told them, this woman was just overly dramatic. She didn't even die, but I guess that it didn't really matter to anyone. All they needed was a reason to kill us, nothing more. And what that woman said was perfect for that purpose.

-Ehh... -67 sighed, resigned. -Maybe let's just go... -They headed towards the staircase. That's when I realised how long it's going to take us to get to floor 283.

-How long is this gonna take?... - I started getting up the stairs while looking up. The stairs looked like they were never ending... What a surprise.

-Long as fuck. -They replied, preparing themselves emotionally for that.

-Maybe we should get some blood from the cannibal cuisine to cheer us up a little? -I suggested.

-Y e s. -They quickly responded. So I did as I said. We took a small break at floor 6 to get some blood from the cannibal cuisine. I looked around to make sure there was no one that could see me. Then I quickly took off my partygoer's disguise and handed it to 67.

-Wish me luck! -I said while I started walking through a never ending hallway. Even if humans have claimed only floor 283 I was still afraid of someone spotting me here. The cannibal cuisine was farther in the corridor than before, but eventually I could see in the distance a black vending machine.

As I was walking I suddenly noticed a tall figure next to the cannibal cuisine. I froze. I was sure there wouldn't be anyone here and what was even worse was that I didn't have my partygoer's disguise on. It was too late to back up. The figure standing next to the machine gazed at me weirdly. I started panicking as there was nothing I could do at this point. I just stared at them back, hoping they'll just ignore me and continue minding their business. "Did they notice that I'm a Partypooper?" I questioned myself. "Maybe they'll think that I'm just a human with a weird mask on...", but suddenly the person started running in the opposite direction. "Did I scare them somehow?" I asked myself as they disappeared from my sight.

I continued walking towards the vending machine and just when I was about to buy some blood I noticed something laying on the ground.The person probably lost it while running away from me so swiftly. It was a piece of white cloth, but it was too far away from my sight to identify what it was exactly. I bought two cans of blood for me and 67 and before going back I quickly walked towards it to satisfy my curiosity. My eyes widened as I realised that I saw that thing before. It was the baker's hat. It was definitely his . And that would mean that the person who ran away after seeing me was 32... "Does that mean that they recognised me or would they run away like this from anyone?" -I queried myself.

𝕙𝕠𝕨 𝕕𝕚𝕕 𝕀 𝕘𝕖𝕥 𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕖? Partygoer x Partypooper / backroomsWhere stories live. Discover now