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authors note; i wrote this at school instead of doing my work and im happy about that

(im failing school i have 20% attendance at my physics class pls send help)

anyways, enjoy!!

around 1300 words >;]


-Here is your gun back. - I handed the weapon back to 32, with a grin on my face. They stared at me, a little unsure about what had just happened. They hadn't seen me kill that woman, but what I was certain about was the fact that they did indeed hear the gunshots coming from the inside of that house. They grabbed the weapon with their claws, in a weak grip, still looking at me straight in the eyes.

I turned my head around to see 67's reaction. Their stare was even more blank than that policeman's before 32 terminated him.

I could sense a lot of different emotions coming from them. From sadness and anger to disbelief and somewhat proudness of me.

-Your mask is broken. - 32 stated, still sceptical if I really did kill her. I reached with my hand to feel the cracks in between my fingers. My mask wasn't entirely damaged, my face was still perfectly covered. However, what I knew was the fact that it would smash into pieces if someone threw another object in my face. It was way weaker now which left me with a slight nervousness of it entirely shattering when I least expected it.

-I won't believe it if I don't see it. - 67 said as they grabbed the front door handle and headed inside along with 32 who decided to follow them. The whole scenery was soaking from blood, pieces of shattered flesh and pieces of skull were all over the sofa and the floor. The pieces of broken glass were overlapping the red puddles.

-Wow. - 67 was speechless.-You know... what hurts is the fact that it was still my mother, but if I am being honest... I am still proud. - They touched the blood on the sofa with their claws to inspect it.

-Yeah, fuck that bitch. - 32 murmured, turning their eyes in my direction once again. - I didn't expect for you to be this brutal.

-Me neither. - I spoke my thoughts as we headed back home.


-Brownie, we are back. -32 welcomed our cat while entering the house. The kitty was lying comfortably on the couch, waiting for us to come back. The moment it heard our footsteps getting closer, it meowed enthusiastically without changing the position it was in.

-It took us a while, sorry kitty.-I apologised as I approached it, gently patting its head. - I missed you already! -From Brownie's reaction I could clearly understand that it did in fact miss us too.

As I layed on the couch next to the sofa I noticed that 67 was weirdly silent and I wasn't certain why. There were just too many possibilities for them to feel that way.

-67? Are you okay? -I wanted to make sure that it wasn't my fault. After all, I killed their mother, but I did it with good intentions for them.

-I don't know. -They went on.-I feel empty and blank after discovering that my past life wasn't as good as I liked to imagine it as... -They sighed in sadness, turning their gaze at me. -It's just tough to discover that I don't have anything to come back to. -Their voice was quiet to the point where half of their sentences sounded like whispers. It didn't sound like them.

-Well... I do understand that. -I tried not to make the conversation about me, since it was 67 who was upset, but I wanted them to know that they weren't alone with their feelings.-I know what it feels like to not have anything to come back to.-I went on. -I don't have anything to come back to either. After the fun war I kind of lost everything I had. So it's understandable that you are feeling this way. -I comforted them, putting my hand over their shoulder.

-Yeah you're right... FUCK THAT BITCH. - They screamed.

-Heck yeah. FUCK THAT BITCH. -I repeated after them, agreeing with what they just said.

-CAN YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP?? -32 screamed from across the room. -I barely handle 67's screams alone. I won't be handing double that.-He raised his voice at us, pissed off as always.

-Fuck you. -I hissed at them, angrily.

-That was harsh. -He teased me, surprised that I changed my tone towards him this much. I used to be scared of him, but by this time all these feelings evaporated as I became more remorseless myself.


I stood up from the couch and wandered in the direction of the nearest window. The glass was shattered and not even present anymore, but I still loved the view that I could get through it. I adored gazing upon the sky whenever I could and even if I missed the backrooms I knew I would be upset if I couldn't direct my eyes onto that view anymore.

I looked at the ground and noticed a small pile of shattered pieces of... something. It looked as if someone smashed a bottle and then cautiously organised all the broken shards.

-Was it here before? - I questioned, not sure if it was trash or something rather important.

No one paid attention to what I said. Except for the cat.

In response Brownie jumped off the couch as if it understood my question and swiftly ran through a hole in the wall, running deep into the forest. I looked at it confused, but didn't think much of it. It seemed as if it just wanted to go and play outside which was entirely fine with me. I knew that Brownie would come back eventually.

-Has anyone else noticed this? -I repeated myself, hoping to not get ignored this time. 67 immediately turned in my direction, still recovering emotionally from what happened before.

-What? -They asked, leaning from the window to see for themselves.-What is that? -Even if they still felt upset, the switch in their tone of voice to curiosity was sharp and noticeable. They gazed with their red eyes at the glass-looking shards of... something. They squinted their eyes for a few solid seconds, inspecting the "thing".

-Its luminous! Cute! -They said enthusiastically. -It's too light outside so it is not that visible, but it does glow. -They shrugged, not having many thoughts left about it.

-What are you so passionate about, huh? -32 casually asked, chewing on some chopped human flesh.

-Oh, I don't know. -67 folded their arms, directing their eyes at me. -They found some trash next to our window that shines in green. -They yawned and jumped back on the couch, completely clueless.

-I thought you were the one who put broken pieces of the portal there?! -His voice exploded into a huge confusion as we all glanced at him, completely disorientated.

-...What...? -I murmured, trying to sort all the sudden information inside of my mind.

-What the fuck? -He took a deep breath, trying to form his next sentence. -67...?

-Yes...? -They felt a slight headrush, as they understood that something was indeed wrong.

-You mean that you were not the one who left footsteps inside and outside the house? -32 was dead serious. -Yes or not? -He demanded an answer right away.

-No? Are you sure those aren't footsteps of that human we kidnapped before?-67 asked them, probably hoping to get an answer that would make all that concern fade away instantly.

"Oh, you are right." or a simple "Nevermind" would be great.

But not this time.

-These are a partygoer's footsteps and they are definitely not mine.I just assumed they were yours. 

𝕙𝕠𝕨 𝕕𝕚𝕕 𝕀 𝕘𝕖𝕥 𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕖? Partygoer x Partypooper / backroomsWhere stories live. Discover now