Unexpected phonecalls

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Paisley rushed home to her aunt to tell her about her day. Jessie was her first friend at her new school. They weren't exactly close yet, but Paisley was still enthusiastic about it. By the time she got through the door the phone started ringing "..Hello?" Paisley answered. "Hello, is this Paisley Meadows?" Said a man on the other end. "Yes, I'm Paisley. Can I help you?" His voice was stern and serious. "Yes ma'am. My name is Edward Johns and I was assigned to be your lawyer for the murder case. You were a witness right?" She was bewildered and she pondered the words. "Yes. I was a witness to the crime. What do you want me to do?" Edward waited a moment then spoke. "We're still on the lookout for the man who did it. Whenever we find him, and trust me we will, I'll need you to testify against him. Hope this won't be any trouble?" Paisley could feel her heart sink. "Um, no it's not any trouble at all. When will you need me?" "We won't need you until after we find him, but even when we do find him the court date won't be set for a couple of months. We just need you to keep in touch." He said sufficiently. "Okay, no problem. Just reach me when you figure something out." They hung up after their goodbye. Not long after they hung up, the phone rang again. Paisley picked up the phone and held it to her ear. "...Hello?" A darkened voice rang into her eardrums. "Paisley Meadows. I've traced your call. I'm the one you'll be testifying against. Unless, you decide to change your mind. I'd be careful about what you say and what you do. That lady's fate just might be the same for you. I'm the wrong person to mess with. Watch your back, you'll be hearing from me." Before Paisley could say a word he hung up the phone quickly. Paisley sunk to the floor, and cried.

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