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My morning started off by waking up at 7:40. If i had it my way school wouldn't start until 9:20 and it would end at 3:00 or something like that. But nope school starts early so i have to wake up early. Once i got dressed and put my new purple converse shoes on i went on my way to school. Once i got to school i sat down and talked to my friend taylor about my new shoes but in 2 minutes my conversation got interrupted by my teacher. She had some notes to give to my mom about the grade 7 grad setup. Im sooo happy I'm not in gr.7 because once grade seven ends its high school. And high school is harder than gr. 7. So im not looking forward to gr.7 next year because then i will graduate. Anyways.. After my teacher gave me the notes it was devotions. I wasn't really paying attention because i could barely hear a guy in my class read it. After devotions it was christian studies. We learnt about jesus' resurrection. Then after christian study's came math. I hate math. I used to like it but once it started getting tougher i began to hate it. In math we were doing long division my teacher asked me if i did it at my old school and i said yes. Normally if you learnt it already you would remember right? I wish, as we kept doing math I realized how much i can forget over the year. I try soo hard to remember how to do stuff i try soo hard to grasp math but some how my brain cant. So i spent my time trying to do it but i was unable to do it right then when i finally did the 14 questions they were all wrong. I even used my multiplication chart. My teacher said tomorrow we will each go up and do a question on the board since nobody really gets it. She also said we can try our corrections but we don't have to😊. Tomorrow we also have times drills. Times drills is when my teacher calls you to her desk individually and she says 11x12 or something like that and you have to write it down. You only get a number at a time so first is 2 and 3 together and if you pass those then you move onto 4 and so on but if you get 2 or more wrong then you stay on the 2 and 3 times tables until the next time you do it. 2 other people and me are still on them. The other kids in my class passed before christmas break but they had their times tables memorized quickly. Times tables are so easy for them but for me it takes forever. It took me a month just to be able to skip count 2 and 3s but i never have them fully memorized i still don't. i passed after a month or two. I still don't have them memorized. I use my fingers for 2 times tables and up. Right now I'm on the 10 and 11 times tables. I hope i pass. My goal is to graduate the 12 by June. But i don't think that will happen because the twelves are the hardest and it took me a month for the easy ones. I don't get why its so hard for me. My mom thinks i might be dyslexic. I was sure i was dyslexic in grade 4 because i was in extra learning support for all of grade 4. I was getting help in reading because i had bad comprehension, math because I'm naturally bad at math. And I occasionally got pulled out of class to do math with the vice principal or someone else when she was busy. So i was gone for most of the day twice a week. I improved a lot in reading but math not so much. The girl who helped me always would yell at me for not knowing the answer or not understanding it. Im not sure if I'm dyslexic. Im good at every subject except for math and spelling. And I'm not in any help so i don't know if I'm doing good in math and I'm just imagining it or if its just because learning assistance is full. I hate math so much. When i do it i feel like tearing my sheet up and crying. I have homework and schoolwork to do and i don't even know how to do it. So i write random answers and i try to figure it out but i don't get it. Long division is the hardest because you have to show your steps. I cant even remember how to do the steps. Finally when math ended it was recess. I didnt really have a good time because i was still trying to wrap my head around how it works and how much i wanted to burn my work. When recess ended it was the computer lab. In the computer lab i was taking the errors out of my autobiography. I spent the whole 20 minutes taking out errors and then when i thought all the errors were out i printed it and gave it to my teacher. After the computer lab i set up for band. After that i had free time to work on work we need to have done while my teacher did a reading assessment with a girl named ashtyn in my class. I decided to work on math corrections but i had to stop because i was sooo overwhelmed and frustrated i was gonna cry if i kept going. Nothing worse than crying during class because when the kids in my class ask me why I'm crying i would say because of math. No thanks. So instead i read. I was so excited when the bell rang because it was choir. Singing is the only thing that gets me through my problems. Its my life. Ive been singing sense i was 2 years old. At choir we were practicing love is an open door, for who you are, count on me, and i hope the teacher wont call on me for the spring tea. After was band and after was DPA witch stands for Daily Physical Activity. In DPA we did California kickball. I love DPA its the one thing you cant do wrong and its fun. After was clean up and then my teacher handed out work that was corrected. My autobiography still had tons of mistakes. After reading it over and over again it the computer lab it was still full of errors. I guess i cant pick up errors good. After i got my autobiography in my bag and prayed it was finally time to go home.

Thanks for reading and i hope you enjoyed my story about my day at school. I will be posting more tomorrow about my day tomorrow. Hopefully i don't do bad in front of the class tomorrow when we do long division. But something tells me i will do awful.

Talk to you tommorow - hannah xoxo

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