Tuesday, oct 27, 2015

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So now Im in gr 7 and it kinda sucks. Everythings hard again for me. Last yr i was doing well in reading comprehension and now I barely remember what I've read about when it comes to reading textbooks or when i research. And math... Don't even get me started. Its so much harder than last yr and it doesn't make sense at all. I suck at math so much that now at lunch recess i don't even get to go outside i have to go downstairs to the learning resource room and do extra math that my class has already done a long time ago. At least I'm getting help but it still doesn't make sense to me. Even though its only adding and subtracting decimals sometimes it just seems 100x harder cause i forgot some steps or dont add sertain things but im getting better. I dont know why this is so hard for me ive learnt all this stuff when i was in grade 2 and grade 5 and 6 but its like i forget it so fast. Im failing all my math tests and everythings so hard. My friends say its cause im not trying hard enough but i try so hard and nothing makes sence to me. My homework takes me 3 hrs to do when for the rest of my class it only takes a half hour and after all those hours wasted doing homework i get all the questions wrong. Whats wrong with me? I feel so stupid sometimes when i get a simple question about carrying wrong. I know im not stupid but sometimes work is just so confusing. Sometimes i go to the bathroom and just ball my eyes out wishing i could finish the work as fast as everyone else and understand it but sometimes it feels impossible.

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