chapter one

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I arrive at the park that is close to my house. I usually come to this park to clear my mind and see squirrels climbing trees and eating peanuts that I give them, dogs running and playing with each other, birds flying in the dark sky full of clouds, it really calms me down. And I really need to clear my mind, my mind is full of school stuff and also my mother is always talking about her new boyfriend. I'm glad that she is happy, I haven't seen her so happy in a long time. My parents divorced when I was seven and I actually never knew the reason why they got divorced. I just remember seeing my father leave the house and never come back and talk to me, since then, I never saw my father again.

It's starting to rain and I really should go home. The other people are already gone, I don't see anyone else in the park. I start running to keep my hair from getting wet but as soon as I almost go through the park gate I slip and fall into a river. I start to panic. I don't know what to do, I never learned how to swim. I try to move my arms and my legs as fast as I can to get to a solid surface but the rain is too strong for me to handle. I'm starting to run out of strength. My vision starts to blur and all the noise around me starts to disappear as something hits my head. I pass out.

I start to wake up with the sunlight in my eyes. My head hurts like hell. I look around and realise that I'm still at the park. Then I look to the left and there is a boy making a call, he is dressed in a red t-shirt and black jeans. His wet brown curls frame his face.
He turns around so I meet his chocolate brown eyes. He runs to me as I get up from the grassy ground.

«hey, uh, the ambulance is already on its way» he says as soon as he reaches me.

«I don't need an ambulance» I try to sound convincing.

«Well, I think you do because you just passed out and your head is bleeding» he says trying to stay calm. I look down to my feet as I realise that I really need help so I decide to accept.

After about fifteen minutes the ambulance arrives. They take me into the ambulance and for my surprise the boy with brown curls gets into the ambulance as well.

«What are you doing?» I ask him.

«I'm not gonna leave you in this state» the boy says determined. He seems so determined that I don't even try to convince him that I don't need his help anymore. So I look away and start looking through a small ambulance window which I can see the street full of trees and the sunlight reflecting on the green leaves of the trees.

«Alright, we arrive at the hospital» the man in the ambulance says as the car stops. Wait. We already arrive?

They take me into the hospital and it took about thirty minutes for them to evaluate my head. I'm lying in the hospital bed waiting for the doctor to arrive and, hopefully he says that I can go home. I wait a few more minutes and the curly haired boy walks in the door. I frown. What the hell is he doing here?

«The doctor said you can go home now» the boy says with a smile on his face.

I get up, pick up my phone and my purse and leave the room. I got out of the hospital and was about to call an uber, but someone's big and black car came and stopped in front of me. I look up at the car and roll my eyes as I see the curly haired boy again.

«Get in the car» the boy says.

«No, thank you» I say and try to walk away from this boy.

«Come on, you need a ride» the boy insists.

«I don't even know your name» I say, still walking.

«Tom» he says. I stop walking and turn around to face him.

«And yours...?» Tom asks me with a small smile.

«Y/n» I answer as I get in the car.

«So where do you live?» Tom asks me. I can feel his eyes on me but I prefer to avoid eye contact right now so I say where I live and look out the window. Tom starts the car and starts driving.

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