II:me and ara are ignoring the fact that we are exes

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Chapter Two
me and ara are ignoring the fact that we are exes

Chapter Twome and ara are ignoring the fact that we are exes

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3rd Person POV

canyon didn't know where they would go from there. I mean it was john bs dads compass and she knew that this would send john b on a wild goose chase. her? all she had to do was be there for him and that's what she was going to do. she stayed at the chateau that night after she had called molly and made sure that she knew she was safe.

the next morning, she woke up as she heard banging on the door and she groaned into the pillow that rested on the bed

"DCS! I know you're in there!" she heard and then there was a bang

"jesus jj" she spoke to herself and she grabbed the bag as she got up and changed into clothes that she had conveniently left at the house. she changed her clothes as she walked out of the room and they turned to her

"sorry cowgirl did I wake you up?" he asked and canyon shoved jj jokingly

"don't you always" she said and he chuckled before they left the chateau and got in the twinkie with each other. canyon sat in the back as she twirled her paintbrush around her hand and stared at it

"I'm just saying, I don't understand why you don't at least try with kiara. she clearly likes you, I've seen her like this before. with canyon" jj said and canyon lifted her head

"me and ara are ignoring the fact that we are exes" canyon stated and jj scoffed before he turned back to john b

"shes like john b, shes sketching about you diving, and then she kissed you" he exclaimed and canyon shot up

"I'm sorry, what?" she said and john b sighed

"on the cheek, she kissed me on the cheek. its not like we were making out, don't worry. i wont steal your girl yon" he said and canyon shoved his shoulder

"not my girl" she said and then they turned to see jj picking up the compass and holding it

"I gotta admit, your fathers compass, on scooters boat. that's freaky" jj stated

"yeah and that's why were going to talk to miss lana, to figure this out. canyon stay in the car" he said and canyon saluted him with a smile as they got to the house

"ai, ai captain" she said and she moved into the driver seat as they got out and canyon watched the boys close with her eyes. she didn't see anything that was happening and then all of a sudden, they were running to the twinkie and canyon saw the look in their eyes

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