VII: hey! don't touch her

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Chapter Seven
hey! don't touch her

Chapter Sevenhey! don't touch her

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3rd Person POV

there canyon was sitting in the twinkie with kiara and sarah as they looked at the drawing together and kiara began to speak

"so that's 50 feet down, and they're using 100-feet rope so i guess this little wagon will go straight to the gold room" Kiara said,

"who drew this?" Sarah asked

"who do you think?" Kiara questioned and they looked at pope who was already staring at them

"god he's like in love with you or something canyon, its crazy" sarah said as she nudged the girl and canyon smiled as she nudged her back and then jj walked over with the gold.

"kie this better work. we can't pawn this if there's a giant wheat symbol on it" JJ said

"its gonna work" kiara spoke and they got out of the twinkie. canyon sat down next to pope as they watched kiara melt down the gold with each other. after a while, it was melted down and they all climbed into the twinkie together.

"so whats the plan? i assume that i will stay in here and keep look out while you guys go in there and handle business" she spoke as she looked at everyone and they all nodded.

"you're comfortable staying in here all alone?" pope asked her and she nodded

"whatever i have to do, now go get this done" she said and they nodded as they got out of the twinkie and closed the door. canyon sat in the passenger seat as she waited for them to come back.

she stared out of the window as the door opened and they all climbed in. she felt someone grab her hand and she turned to see pope

"so where are we going my dears?" she asked in a loving way and they all smiled as john b started the twinkie and began to drive. she didn't know where they were going and maybe she didn't need to know. she continued to stare out of the window as they drove and she listened to them talk but she didn't hear or find anything suspicious.

"oh shit cops" canyon said as she heard the siren and then jj spoke

"i hate cops" jj stated and then as they were waiting, there it was , a gun in john bs face.

"you out of the car, lets go. let them out" the man said to john b and he opened the door as he let canyon out as barry put his hand and jj spoke up

"hey! don't touch her" he said and barry pointed the gun at him but he didn't care. no one was allowed to hurt or touch canyon in any sort of way that she didn't want.

"lay down in the ditch, on your goddamn hands and knees" he said and canyon reached her hand out to pope as she grabbed his hand and held it. she watched john b get up and she looked at jj who made eye contact and shook his head. if he was able to stay calm, she could too.

"unless you want your brains blown out over this goddamn road, don't move your hands" he said and then he walked away as they watched john b attacked him and they all joined in. canyon felt some sort of rage flow over her and she lifted her foot as she kicked him in the stomach and then slammed her foot down on his back. she watched him fall before she kicked him to the door and sarah hit him with it.

he slumped against the car as they pulled down his mask and looked at his face

"i know this piece of shit. he's a basehead. he sells coke to my dad" JJ said and he lifted the gun as he hit barry on the side of his head

"JJ" kiara spoke but canyon looked at her and shook her head. canyon knew that's what jj needed, his whole life he had hated his father for hurting him and being drugged all the time. at least now he had someone else to blame but his dad.

"we got one last stop" jj exclaimed and they all walked to the twinkie as jj got in the driver seat and everyone got in afterwards. they drove to barrys and canyon shook her head

"ill go get him" canyon said as she got out of the twinkie and made sure everyone else stayed. she walked in and jj turned to her

"banksie, whats your plan? we cant go robbing this guy, it wont end well. nothing ever does with drugs and us" she spoke and he turned to the girl

"you don't rob people cowgirl, that's not who you are but try to stop me" he called as he walked away

"yeah that's what I'm trying to do maybank. just stop for a second please" she said and he shook his head as he walked back out with a bag and she followed.

"anything?" kiara asked and canyon shook her head

"i tried ara, i swear" she exclaimed and then they all watched john b and jj fight but canyon only watched jj. she turned to pope who grabbed her hand and then they watched as jj got up and left. she watched him and then pope looked at her. she couldn't help but blame herself and she knew she shouldn't but she did and she hated that she did. she hated that she allowed herself to be so mad at herself for something she couldn't handle and couldn't do anything about.

after that, they all went back to the wreck and canyon went out to the dock as she sat down and she felt someone staring. she looked back and saw pope staring at her and kiara was doing the same thing. she swayed her feet in the water but she stared at the water.

"its not your fault" she heard and she turned to see kiara looking at her.

"what?" she asked and kiara shook her head as she sat down and looked at the moon girl

"i know you think that him leaving is your fault but its not and you need to know that. jj is doing a jj thing and we know that. there is nothing you could've done to help him" kiara said and canyon nodded her head.

she stayed there for the rest of the night until she went home and she saw jj sitting on the porch looking at her

"jj" she called as she noticed he wasn't wearing a shirt and she saw the bruises. she ran forward and he fell into her as he cried and she held him closely. she let him cry as hard as he needed to. she didn't care about the blood on her and she didn't care about the water on her. she let him cry

"I'm here jj, I'm right here" she whispered as he whimpered and she held him closer.

"why doesn't he care?" he asked and she sighed as she ran her hand through his hair and she held his softly

"he's a shitty person j, at the end of the day. you deserve better and you always will. I'm here for you no matter what. lets go inside and get you cleaned up though" she said and he nodded as she led him inside.

she didn't know what was going to happen next but she knew she had to be there and trust them.

she was scared for the next thing though


canyon and jj as found family make me so happy because they are what the other needs and we all know it too.

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