The Trickster

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Hi all,

I'm so glad you are all still here and I really do hope you enjoyed the past two parts of my fic! I wasn't originally planning on writing a sequel but my best friend ArkhamKn1gh7 asked me for one and I had to do it for her. Please do go check out her Doctor Who story if you haven't already, it's amazing. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy! Arkham, this one is for you!


Anything in: 

Italics is anything Tarina says in her mind.

Bold is POV changes

Underlines is for anything being said in the environment around them

Hopefully the underline bit makes more sense when you get to it!


Doctor POV

I had spent the last couple of weeks in the vortex, tinkering around in the TARDIS, making a couple of repairs. I hadn't been lying to Dan and Yaz when I said I needed to do maintenance before dropping them off after all, it just wasn't my reason for dropping them off. I had intended on bringing them back much earlier but... there was so much she needed, so much she didn't know. It had taken me a month to assimilate all the knowledge she should have had, knowledge she should've gained from the academy, knowledge of the timelords, our people, how to fly a TARDIS... how she had managed to find a manual I will never know, I threw that old thing out years before, it was mistaken. There must've been copies lying about, I made a mental note to find them all and throw them all out, I couldn't have Tarina learning the wrong way to fly a TARDIS, that was dangerous.

I had also made sure to teach her Earth customs seeing as she would be travelling with us from now on. I couldn't just leave her on the TARDIS, it would put strain on the bond. I refused to hurt her like that, she would never be hurt again, not if I could help it. She hadn't told me much more of her life on Gallifrey, I didn't push, not wanting to bring up bad memories from her, but from what little I did know, it was no pleasant, and that was the nice way of putting it. If Gallifrey wasn't gone, I would have...

Are you ok? My head shot up, mind clearing as I found Tarina, curled up behind me, wrapped up in the very same blanket, a book in hand. "Why do you ask?" I asked her, looking back down at the wires in hand, continuing to fiddle with them. I felt your anger she sent to me back, "Hey, mind your tone! I'm not an idiot!" I responded, mockingly outraged. Then don't ask stupid questions, she sent back with a grin. I laughed, getting up and sitting next to her, ruffling her hair, laughing harder at her pout. "Cute," I said to her, Hey! I'm not cute! "Yes, yes you are. Incredibly cute!" I said, watching her shake her head as she buried herself in her book again. Huffing with fondness I jumped up, while it was worrying that she was still non-verbal, it was something I knew would come with time, something we had plenty of. But that didn't mean I couldn't try and get it there faster...

What are you doing? She sent to me, sending me waves of curiosity. "What makes you think I'm doing something little one?" I asked back feigning ignorance. I'm not little! I didn't need the bond in order to feel her indignation at my comment, and you can't distract me that easily. I smirked, loving how she had come out of her shell, she had made so much progress, whether or not this was just with me was yet to be seen. "I wasn't aware I was trying to distract you," I stated, holding back laughter as I felt her annoyance. Don't be obtuse Doctor, I can tell you're up to something, you have that air around you. "What do you mean?" I asked, facing her, I wasn't aware I had a tell when I was up to something, not in this body anyway. You totally do, you have this edge of anticipation to your excitement, and you become more animated. Huh, that was interesting, "And how have you figured that one out Ria?" I've been inside your head, just like you've been inside mine, you need to remember to keep your doors locked Doctor, who knows who else might wander inside.

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