The Road Onward

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His stomach immediately sank upon seeing his wives, realizing that he had forgotten about them entirely.

In his depressed state, Tengen had been so caught up with the tragic events that had transpired over the last few days that he failed to take into account that there were still people in his life that he cared about. Everything had happened so fast and back-to-back - from infiltrating Shinjo Castle, to the forest where he lost his family, to confronting his father, to burying his brothers just a few hours ago - that his mental CPU was completely overworked and blind to considering the other people that existed in his life.

It wasn't as if he didn't care about them or didn't deem them important - it was more so that he hated himself so much and found himself so reprehensible that his mind subconsciously omitted the loved ones in his life to say he wasn't worthy of them. His brain was unable to consider other possibilities in his life due to that combination. Now, he suddenly felt like a stupid fool for having set out without ever even saying at least say a goodbye to the women that he had shared bonds with. They must be here to scold him for his inconsideration and vocalize their disappointment in him for pitifully abandoning both them and the shinobi way of life that they all swore to follow. But upon further thinking, he realized he was just projecting onto them. He realized that upon seeing the worry in all their eyes, they were here because they cared about him and wanted to confront him about what had happened. Their show of concern was genuinely heartwarming, especially because he felt himself undeserving of it, but he still couldn't bear to look a single one of them in the eyes.

It took all the strength and willpower in his body just to stand there and remain composed; making eye contact would immediately cause them to see just how broken he had become and probably cause him to falter. So, he looked at the dirt at their feet instead and wore a blank expression, his downcast eyes revealing that he was in the midst of overwhelming sadness. Makio, Suma, and Hinatsuru could easily tell that he was drenched in despair just by seeing the bags under his eyes and the lack of life in his pupils.

Looking at him with the utmost sympathy, Hinatsuru was the first to speak.

"We..." she thought carefully, knowing the anguish Tengen had suffered over the past few days was still fresh on his mind. Before her was their husband that they had not seen in days, now having just experienced devastating misery and loss while they were separated. Trying her best to sound sensitive and delicate, she continued, "....heard about what happened. Everything, all of it. We....we're so sorry, Lord Tengen."

Tengen couldn't believe it. Even now, as a deserter of the clan, she still felt it necessary to address him honorifically. With a bittersweet smile that quickly evaporated as soon as it came, he responded with a whisper-like tone, unable to muster any humor or energy to speak louder.


His voice lacked any signs of vitality. Hinatsuru could tell that he wasn't in the right headspace and that he was automatically going to reject any attempts to empathize with him as he was too broken at the moment. Despite standing there in person, his mind was off somewhere else, already deeming that he should just leave so as to spare the three of them the disgrace of his revolting presence. He isn't worth their help. Trying to be more direct, she stepped forward and spoke more confidently, hoping to make him listen more receptively this time.

"It was awful! How could the could your own family do something like that?"


His mouth quivered. He stood there in silence for a moment, thinking of the absurdity of it all - that these women had actually come to make a disgusting person like him feel better. Hinatsuru radiated so much kindness towards him that it made him laugh internally, seeing that even though she was forced to marry a total stranger against her will and subjugated to the harsh conditions at the Uzui Manor, she still genuinely cared about him and wanted to console him at his lowest moment. Not just her, but Makio and Suma as well. The purity of their hearts was so amazing and now it was being wasted on a no-good murderer like him. How strange fate can be. But now, he wanted to talk to them sincerely and be totally honest. It was time to let these extraordinary wives of his know that they didn't have to comfort him out of an obligation of their hearts. It was alright. They could let him go now. With a painful smile, he continued to avoid looking at them and spoke sorrowfully.

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