5th: (M) 충동은 감각을 이끌어 내

77 3 0


Warning/spoilers: sexually explicit scene, vaginal, missionary, cowgirl, breast play


While Seokjin's schedule remained busier than ever, he never forgot to call or send a message by the end of each day. We saw each other a couple of times during the week—mostly, it was me who went to go visit him at work.

Due to my new position at work, the pay increase came with hour and responsibility increase. I was great at my job and managed to shuffle everything very well. I was lucky to have a great team behind me. They knew I was in a new relationship and were kind to ensure I left at a decent hour. Seokjin's identity remained a hidden secret. They knew he worked in the entertainment industry, but never pushed to know further details. Another thing I was grateful to my team for: their respect for my privacy.

The only people who knew I was dating an idol were my sister, cousin, and parents. My parents didn't know nor care about Seokjin's popularity. The thing my father cared most about was if Jin was a good son.

"Did you graduate from university?" Was the very first question my father asked Seokjin upon meeting him.

"Appa!" I scolded my father.

Seokjin gave a few blinks, a habit I came to find he had when he got uncomfortable. It was rare to see it, especially lately. He always exhibited confidence and had an easiness around me. I couldn't help but feel protective as my father came at him so aggressively.

Seokjin, however, kept composed and explained he had graduated from university early last year after years of postponement due to his busy idol schedule.

"I wanted to ensure my parents could proudly claim their son is a graduate. It was important to me to fulfill my education for my parents," Jin answered with the utmost politeness.

My mother's face beamed at hearing this and I felt my heart expand. Seokjin had mentioned several times education was important to him, but idiot me had never thought to ask why. I just assumed it was for self-satisfaction. Seokjin wasn't a liar, so I didn't doubt what he had told my father was true. And it only made me fall in love with him even more.

My sister was being incredibly nosy and just observing from the background, happy to be a fly in the wall.

My father's face looked satisfied but still continued to question Jin.

As the evening continued, Jin's charisma won over my mother, which was not shocking. She was elated to learn Jin could cook. My father took a little longer to ease up. However, somewhere in the middle of dinner, he had my father laughing at some of his jokes. My sister and Jin had met before several times, so they were already friendly with each other.

Jin stopped blinking so much after that. And I felt at ease.

While my parents were talking amongst themselves, I felt Jin's hand cover mine under the table. He gave me a gentle squeeze.

I turned to him, giving him a smile of appreciation. I had expressed to him how important my parents were. I had only brought home one other boyfriend, so it was a pretty big deal that he was meeting them.

He gave me a quick wink before squeezing my hand again.


"Are you using protection?" My mother asked later that night.

Seokjin had left a bit ago. He stayed for several hours after dinner, talking nonstop to my parents. When he didn't hesitate in helping clean, my father gave a nod of approval. And despite me no longer living at home, I stayed behind at my parents' out of respect as he left.

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