Chapter 1

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At Apo house..

Apo pov..

Apo open his eyes as he hears his phone buzzing... Apo feel shock as he see the clock is already 8 am.. Apo quickly get up and say'shia!! Im already late!'Apo then quickly go to the bathroom and take a shower shower....

Meanwhile at Be on cloud building...

Bible pov..

Bible is checking his phone.. Suddenly Build come towards him and ask' Ai nong... What's wrong with you huh? Are you waiting for a call? 'Bible then reply ' No phi Build 'Build shake his head and continue to practice.. P Pond appears all of a sudden and ask..' Where is Apo Nattawin?!'Look at the time now! He always late!' Mile roll his eyes and about to reply.. Suddenly theres a door open.. All of them look at Apo and laugh... Bible look at them and slowly walk towards Apo and ask'Phi.. Are you ok hmm?Why are you late again?'P Pond then reply with a stern voice...' Apo.. Come with me.. The rest of you.. Continue practicing'..Barcode and Jeff look at each other with a worry... Bas then say.. 'hopefully.. Phi Apo wont get scold'..Build pat Bas shoulder and reply.. 'don't worry about it.. Apo is stronger than you think... Come on Bas.. We need to continue our practice'.. Bible decides to follow them quietly.... P pond then say'Apo... I already tolerate with you many times didn't I? Just consider this is the last warning... If you dare to come late again... I will kick you out from this company.. Do you understand?!'Apo feel a bit shock and quickly nod his head... Bible then see Apo come out from the room with a tears fall out from his eyes.. Apo wipe his eyes and say..' Bible... What are you doing here hmm'..Bible then hug Apo and rub his back gently then say..'Shh...its OK phi Po... Don't mind about what Phi Pond say... Im here with you na'.. Apo hug Bible then reply with a sad voice'Im tired with everything Bible'.. Bible slowly let Apo out from his embrace and say... 'If you got kick out.. I will leave this company too.. Now.. Lets go and continue our practice ok?'.. Apo smile and follow Bible to the practice room... Bible open the door and see the room is already quite.. Apo then pop out his head through the door and look around and ask..' where is everyone?'Bible see a note on the floor near the door then pick it up and read.. "We will go back now.. I got a text from Pond saying that.. We are allowed to return home early.. As for Apo... He must stay here to practice.. - Build..." Bible throw away the notes into the basket and say'I will accompany you na phi Po.. At least.. I can take care of you now..'Apo kiss Bible cheek and start to practice... Bible sit down on the floor while holding his cheek and speak in his heart' Apo.. I really love you... I want to tell this.. But.. Im afraid.. Im afraid that.. You will dissappear out of my sight.. I promise phi... I will take care of you.. I won't let anyone hurt you... I love you Apo..'Bible smile softly and slowly move backwards to lean near the wall.. Bible starts to feel sleepy and fall asleep... Apo then turn around and see his beloved already leaning near the wall and sleep.. Apo shake his head and smile then walk slowly towards Bible and cover Bible with his jacket and sit beside Bible... Bible accidentally put his head on Apo lap and continue to sleep... Apo chuckle and stroke Bible head gently and say.. 'you really look like a baby.. Bible then speak in his sleep..' I love you Po'.. Apo smile softly and slowly fall asleep too.. After 1 hour later.. Bible wake up and see Apo is sleeping soundly.. Bible get up slowly without waking Apo and stare at Apo beautiful face.... Bible slowly lean in.. Suddenly feel shock as he see Apo is open his eyes.. Apo then look at Bible face and ask... 'what is it Bible?' Bible quickly shake his head and say.. 'nothing Phi.. We must go back now.. Suddenly I feel hungry.. Apo then nod and say..' lets go to the western restaurant... Then.. Both of them go to the western restaurant and start to order the food... 15 minutes later.. The food is arrives and both of them start to eat.. Bible chuckle as he see Apo mouth is full with a black pepper sauce.. Bible wipe Apo mouth using his thumb.. Apo then feel his heart beat really fast and continue to eat.. Bible chuckle and give some of his food to Apo.. A few minutes later... Apo and Bible leave the restaurant.. Apo then ask.. 'Are you going home after this?' Bible nod and reply..'Yes phi'.. Apo walk closer towards Bible and kiss his forehead and say'Be careful Bible'.. Bible then start to leave the restaurant... Apo touch his chest and try to calm himself down... Apo then get inside of his car and drive back to his condo.. Apo smile softly as remember about Bible.. 10 minutes later.. Apo arrive at his condo and go into the house.. Apo then sit at the sofa and rest..

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