1 - Monday Morning

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Continued from the previous chapter, if you didn't read the prologue chapter what are you doing here?

I was looking back at this chapter so see how much I wrote and I saw that I wrote an entire paragraph of my shitty rant 😟

if you wanna look at it for some reason it's right here ig


"I have no sob story excuse to say, I've just lost interest in this story. I would apologize but I've done so much in the past that it's practically useless, I've apologized so many times in the past and sure I meant it but what's the point now? It's my fault that I lost interest in the story. Why do I need to apologize for my opinion? It's my choice. Sure it may make you feel bad but I control myself, I choose what makes me happy. And I know I sound like a total ass but it's true. There's a possibility I'll discontinue this book but there's a sliver of a possibility that I won't. Im surprised your still reading this though. Haha"

bro what 🧍‍♀️

anyways yeah sorry I was gonna for like two months ☠️

I've been really busy :[

(Somewhat busy)

"Well.. I was thinking of what we could do on Halloween! And what if— we have a girls night out! A day just for the two of us! We could watch movies, talk about drama, catch up! Like we would do when we were in school!"

I sat up to make myself more comfortable

"Oh, I'd love to! But what about June?"

"She unfortunately said she was busy.. But hey that won't stop use from having a good time right?"

Every time we had a girls night out when we were younger they were so much fun!

"Yeah of course! Remember that one time when we played truth or dare, and June dared you to chug a bottle of coke?"

"Oh my god I remember that!"

The two of you howled in laughter, it was an unforgettable moment

It really was! I mean, you wouldn't forget a moment where Lila choked and 'sounded like a dolphin' just because of a bottle of coke!

Hell she even snorted, the two of you thought that was the funniest thing ever

As the two of you died down, you started to talk again

"I don't even know why you did that—"

"I dont even know why I did that!"

The two of you started to laugh again, drowning all noises around you with your laughter

"Mom!! What's so funny?" I heard Lila's son, Skid say

"Oh— pfft!! N-Nothing hunny..!" She said still continuing to laugh

"Hmm.. Okay! Who are you talking to?"

"Oh it's Y/N!"

"Ooh! Ooh! Tell her I said hi!"

Every time when Lila had to go run errands or do something that included leaving the house for a long period of time, she'd invite me to babysit

I never once said no to babysitting, Skid is an absolute angel of a child, sure he's a little chaotic and energetic but nothing I can't handle!

"Okay, I'll tell her!" She said reassuring him

I could hear his little pitter patters of his feet fading away as Lila continued to talk

𝘚𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘊𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘺 (Bob Velseb x Fem Reader) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now