CH-41 Everything is at stake

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The cameras are flashing on me and I just don't want to do they all are kind of towering me with there questions

Media- Miss linton the muder us happened in your house ? It's something really big coming from royal family

Reporter- Do you know how did that happen? And where were you when the murder happens answer us we want your answer

Arif- Stay away please let her leave

Reporter-Miss linton we got to know that you also had a fight with your maid last night ? Aren't you only the murderer of her ?

Arif- This is nonsense

As mukhatar also came and they covered me taking me out from there but I still hear there questions

Reporter- Miss Linton if this is true that you killed a maid a innocent person who works for you , you are such a cruel person you deserve to be in prison

Reporter- The youngest and successful buisness of women who came from Linton family and also a royal family she is being accused fo doing a mirror of her own maid ? Is all of this is true or not as officers and police are still investigating her house let's see what will happen? but this is really big new for whole England...

I look at reporters who are telecasting there show

Arif- Leave the fucking way you idiot unless you don't want me to kill you

He push the reporter and make me sit In a car he closed the door and than he drive away I just went numb my hands are freezing cold even tho outside sun is on the top , my eyes are looking at nowhere and all those questions are echoing in my head again and again ? Am I going to lose everything? Am I going to be in prison? Am I the reason behind Katthy death? I remember yoongi and he is behind all of this I just knew he is behind Everything and I have to talk to jimin I have to tell him that I didn't kill Katthy? Did he also think that I killed Katthy and that's why he is not talking to me ?

Arif- You ok ?

Suhani- Arif please tell me where is Jimin I need to talk to him

Arif- I don't know where he is

Suhani-Yes you you know where he is Please tell me Arif I wanna meet him

Arif- But sahib don't want to meet you at least not now

My tears slipped but I wipe them

Suhani- Did he also think that I di-

Arif-No You know sahib can never think of like that but he is just trying to wrap up the mess you created .....

Suhani- I need him rn

I mumbled and cry again just thinking about everything is going to happen later the new will spread like fire in whole England and the worst thing is that what will my parents think?

Suhani- Arif take me my home my parents home

Arif- No you are not even going there

Suhani- I need to talk to them I need to tell them

Arif-Talk over the phone it's really a high risk of you being out of house you need to stay at home police wants to interogate you and they will come soon ok you have to tell them what you think ?

Suhani- What You think Arif who did this?

Arif- We all know very well who did this and who tried to fram you wrong he wants you to be in this controversy but for sure we can't tell his name to police because we don't had any proof against him

Suhani- Than what I am supposed to say to police

Arif- Just tell them you didn't do anything the rest of it we will handle

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