Stargazing with venti

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"Ah..huh..." "Venti you okay you look so tired!" "Windblume..we just hiked up a hill..wait..mountain..? That doesn't matter! We just hiked up here..AND I BROUGHT A BAG! BUT, HOW ARE YOU NOT TRIED..?" You laughed to yourself "I guess I'm just used to walking a lot heh.."

"Hmph! Next time you have to carry me love!" "What?! No! You'd fall asleep or get to comfortable and my arms and would fall asleep!" "Who said you'd have to carry me with your arms? You can give me a piggyback ride!" You sighed worried at the thought.

"Anyways! We came here to look at the stars right? Well come here I'll hold you!" "WHAT?! HOLD ME?" "Yeah! And in my bag THAT I DRAGGED UP HERE! I have a blanket for us to snuggle up in!" "Venti, your so weird..but, that's why I love you." "Hehe, I love you to windblume!" Venti sat you down, hugging you and cuddling you in the blanket he brought looking at stars.

"Windblume look at this one! Windblume?"

Oh.. they fell asleep..hmm

Venti picked up your sleeping body and carried you to the teapot to rest, as he got in bed with you he kissed your forehead and started to whisper sweet nothings into your ear kissing your neck.

"Goodnight my love.."

Venti oneshots (Fluff) Venti x readerWhere stories live. Discover now