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RYAN POV: I wake up and it's 11:30 s.o I start getting ready and I remember that we have to retake pictures today from the carnival so I text the boys and remind them and they all respond back almost the same basically saying ok and that they know.

*Later at 1pm*

Ryan- mom can I ask you something

Mom- yea what is it son

Ryan- what carnival were we at when we went there

Mom- idk it should say it on the picture lemme see

Ryan- ok

Mom- here look, this what it say it's called

Ryan- ok thx *writes down the name in his phone and leaves* I wonder if it still looks the same where we took the picture it probably doesn't look the same at all anywhere but oh well

*At 2:00*

*In gc*

Justin- is everybody ready

Kane- yea

Regie- yea but I can't find my keys

Darren- I'm ready I just need to find my other shoe

Oliver- I'm ready

Ryan- oh shoot my bad I been ready I forgot to send you guys the name it's *types name*

Sebastian- I'm ready

Darren- are we going to Ryan's house

Ryan- yea just meet at my house

Everyone- ok bet

Ryan- ok bye

Everyone- bye

RYAN POV: I'm just in my room playing Valorant and the servants keep coming in my room asking me do I need anything or do I need my room clean and it's kinda annoying because I don't need anything and if my room was messed up I could just clean it myself I don't understand why we need servants when we have ourselves it's kinda unnecessary anyways I'm playing Valorant and I just died and one of the servants came in and I screamed WHAT DO YOU WANT I KNOW HOW TO DO THINGS ON MY OWN I KNOW ITS YOUR JOB BUT IM OK YOU DON'T HAVE TO DO STUFF FOR ME UNLESS I ASK AND MOST LIKELY I WONT and then he started looking sad and he said sorry I didn't mean to I won't bother you anymore and I felt bad because he looked sad and I didn't mean to yell at him so I went to find him and I said sorry and that I didn't mean to I just had died in a game and I was kinda mad at the moment and he said it's ok but I think he was still kinda sad.

*door bell rings*

Ryan- HERE I COME, oh hi Regie and Justin

Regie- wsp

Justin- hey

Ryan- I was just playing Valorant while waiting on the others

Justin- ok cool

Ryan- oh well follow me idrc what you do just don't break anything and don't be mean to the servants

Regie- why would we be mean to the servants dumba**

Ryan- shut up idk if you will or won't

Justin- he kinda right

Regie- ok well whatever

NOBODY'S POV: Ryan kept playing Valorant and Regie scrolled on Instagram and Justin scrolled on TikTok then Kane came next Seb and Oli and lastly Darren came.

*At 4:00 o'clock*

Seb- ok everyone is here let's go

Ryan- ok lemme turn off my pc

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