Chapter 13: The Audit

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You feel yourself thrown at the wall, and fall to the floor. Valentino grunts, "Come on Vox! Just you wait, Alastor! You can't hold her for long!" Alastor rushes to your side, you feel him pick you up carefully. He looks to his shadow and snaps, "Fè nou soti isit la!" His shadow opens a portal, Alastor walks through. As the scenery changes, the two of you are in his chambers. He walks to his bed, his shadow opens the canopy drapes as Alastor gently lays you on the bed.

As you feel him lay you down, you quickly take hold of his shoulder, your nails clenching his red pinstripe jacket. Your breathing became heavy, tears started to fall from your face. You start crying out, "PLEASE! DO SOMETHING! PLEASE ALASTOR, DON'T LET THEM TAKE ME. PLEASE!" You feel Alastor quickly hold you close to his chest, you feel his heart racing but his facial expression says otherwise. You hear him say, "Dearest, allow me to come up with a plan." You feel his claws gently caress your jawline, he pulls you away from him and looks down at you.

Alastors (POV)

I feel a rage inside, my demon form wanting to take control. But, I need to play my game right. I'm known as a great deal maker, the master mind of manipulation. I just need to come up with a plan to keep her. As I hold her close, I can smell her sweet scent and it hypnotizes me. What has she done to me, never once had I felt this way. During my life I felt no empathy for anyone, I would slowly kill male and female, the gender didn't matter to me. But here she is, she has changed me, now for once in my life I feel.......afraid.

Narrator (POV)

Alastor looks at her, she looks away, her gaze staring towards the balcony. She stands from the bed and walks to the door, opening it and walking to the balcony rail. Alastor follows her and stands behind her. She gazes up at the red tinted sky and lets out a sigh. Alastor gently puts his claw-like hands on her shoulders, and whispers, "Darling, let's not be distanced between each other." Alastor moves aside some of her curly dark hair away from her neck. He gently takes a claw and caresses her neck. She closes her eyes and sighs. Alastor leans towards her neck and gives gentle kisses, he slowly lets his other hand trail down her arm and wrap around beneath her bust. She holds onto his hand that is holding her bust, pushing her back against his chest. Alastor allows his other hand to trail to the skirt of her dress, he slowly pulls the fabric up with his claws, revealing her thigh. He slips his hand onto the skin of her thigh and gives it a gentle squeeze. As he does this she lets out a moan. He slowly travels his claw up her thigh to her region. Where he slowly slips his claw underneath her undergarment. He finds her regions, the juices running between his claws, he retracts his claws so as not to hurt her. As he rubs her with pleasure, her moans start to increase, her hands wander to his sides and clenched onto the fabric of his red pinstripe jacket. Alastor leans to her ear and whispers, "Darling, may I unwrap you in the bedroom or is this where you desire?" She shivers out, "I-I-It d-d-doesn't matter." Alastor chuckles, "Mmm, I suppose out here would do." He pulls his hand out from under her skirt, with both claws he gently pulls at her ribbon holding her corset up. With his claws he gently pulls the dress down from her body, as he looks at her from behind, revealing her curves, and black silk panites revealing her bottom. Alastor gently pulls at her panties, ripping them in the process, and she lets out a gasp. Alastor whispers, "My darling, you look delectable." As he licks his lips. She slowly turns around, her breasts revealed to him, she pulls at his bowtie and it slips loose, she works undressing him throwing his clothes to the side. Alastor flicks his wrist and a black gothic chair appears behind him. He sits on the chair, he motions his finger towards him and whispers, "Come have a seat darling." She feels her face blush red and as if she is under a spell she does as he commands. She looks into his deep red eyes, she looks down at his lap, he's holding onto himself he whispers, "Sit, lovely." She positions herself on top and as she does this he slips himself into her. She throws her head back, her hands clenching on his shoulder. He holds onto her waist, and guides her up and down on him. The two of them moan out together, Alastor pulls her closer to him, he bites down onto her shoulder hearing her scream out in pleasure. She digs her nails down into his shoulder, blood starts to trickle between her fingers. She feels a buzz in her head as if she was getting high on a narcotic, she pleads for this moment to never cease. As she feels himself move in and out of her, she feels a sense of safety. She feels his claws wrap around her waist holding her tight. She starts to feel close to her relief and she screams out, " Alastor, my love!" As Alastor hears this he nuzzles into her neck, his head leans up to her head. His breathing became heavy, he was getting close to his end. He moans out, "I will never let them take you." As he releases, he gently grazes with the tips of his claw against her lower back, she screams out, "Darling!" She moves her head so she is gazing into his red glowing eyes. She cups his face, and kisses his lips softly, as she slowly parts she licks his lower lips. He grins, and then softly growls. She frowns, "Darling, what's wrong?" Alastor holds onto her waist and firmly says, "You are mine. I can't...." She sees rage forming in his eyes. He closes his eyes and sighs, "I can't, no, I don't want to picture you and that box head. His filthy hands are touching you." She runs her hands through his black and red hair, she moves them up to his tufts and starts to message them. She whispers, "Darling, the only one touching me" She kisses his cheek, and whispers, "Let us resign. It's feeling cold out here." Alastor holds onto her waist tightly and stands up, he twirls her and then places her on her feet. The two of them walk to the bedroom.

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