the magic happen

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" ai nessa wake up it's your birthday today " her bestfriend said .

" okay stand up , look in the mirror, stay still cause I'm gonna dress you up okay ? " her aunt went to her wardrobe with her bestfriend .

While they are busy finding a perfect dress , nessa notice something , " aunty something change on my face today but i can't figure it out ? " she look at herself trying to find what's odd ,

Her bestfriend walk out of the wardrobe with violet dress with fire embroidery , " nessa maybe that's your glow up , you know it happens all the time and your aura today is.perfect " she look up and down to nessa " yeah somethings odd but maybe because it's your 16th birthday today , okay try this out " she handed the dress ,

Nessa check herself in the mirror , her aunty walk out of the wardrobe with black lace heels , " aunty whose dress is this ? I don't remember having a dress like these " she look at her aunty through the mirror ,

Her aunty put the heels in front of the mirror , " wait lemme remember.ohh that's on your basket when my sister and i saw you , and it said that you have to wear it on your 16th birthday , it's old but the fabric and design.boom are out of this world " gesturing a boom with her hand ,

" aunty that's weird ? " her bestfriend said , " the dress, just by the look of it is expensive , are you by any chance nessa a billionaires daughter ? Or a princess ? Yeah you are between those two " she hugged nessa in excitement ,

Nessa pull her bestfriend away , " that's impossible yesha , i can't be !, never in a billion years " nessa laugh , " your so kj nessa " ,

When nessa is getting ready her aunt and yesha slowly went out and arrange the surprise downstairs , after nessa got finish dressing up she notice her aunt and yesha missing so she got up and went downstairs , it's 11 : 51 at midnight, the house is so dark no lights and even a lamp open , slowly walking down the stairs nessa is confused and when she got down the lights open , confetti everywhere ,

" happy birthday nessa " her friends and aunt greeted her , " thank you " nessa said with a smile , her aunty walk towards her holding a cake " happy birthday my dearest daughter , nelly would be so proud of you " she said ,

All of them started to sing happy birthday " happy birthday nessa .... "

" now make a wish girl " her friend kate said , nessa closed her eyes ' i wish that everyone would be happy , just happy and fulfill their dreams , that's all ' with her hands clasp together she blew the candle ,

she opened her eyes slowly and notice that everyone's getting blurry , she look left and right , now around her was all white and started to mix a different colors , then something pop up a flame symbol , butterfly , rock and other more .

She closed her eyes again thinking that it's just an hallucinations and when she open her eyes , she's on a diffirent world in a stand on a place that looks like a castle , noticing there are nine more people in a stand and in front of them are students that are looked surprised ,

" kloe of murrow , jes of kaper , pray of skatlon , henna of murrow , alisha of meddow , aliston of meddow , kimber of porthjo ( ports-o ) , zack of north , prince zainn of Avalon , and princess nessa of venus " a fairy like voice announced .

Wait princess who ? They called me a princess ? And where am i ? This doesn't look like earth ?

The students started to disappear one by one and also other students on the stands , nessa was walking on a hall way when someone approaches her , " hi I'm your guide and follow me " a paper said to nessa and nessa was so confused ,

Is this paper talking to me ? Am i going crazy ? From this to THIS ?

Nessa was so confused yet she still followed the paper , they stop at a room with a door that stands out among all of the rooms , " this is your schedule and this is your guide thank you " the paper disappear after handling a remote ,

With all questions nessa enter the room and there she saw many questionable things , a girl with a snake on her neck , a boy playing with fire with his hands , a boy who is scaring the other students by doing magic pranks , and nessa could only sit to her assigned seat that has her name on ,

A girl went beside her , " hi you are nessa ? right ? " she asked , " yes i am ? " in confuse tone as why she know her name , " omg the prophecy is really real ? " that comment made nessa confused , " prophecy ? " ,

" even though you didn't asked I'm eve , and yes prophecy , lemme tell you , far way back when a war started between the murrow and meddow kingdom , many fairy , half blood , elements died and one day the biggest and most powerful kingdom heard this which is your fathers kingdom the venus kingdom , he got really angry as great king asvik doesn't like the noise of war but he didn't stop the war because he thought they should fix their problem by their own and it got solve years later , then you are born and all of the kingdoms accept the avalon started war again , because all kingdom wanted great king asviks throne to have more power and then for some reason two kingdoms got inside the venus and killed many venuses they got into the dungeon and killed your mother this thing surprises the attackers as your mother lily was immune to any swords and magic , the kingdoms backed up ,

your father found out what happened and cursed all kingdom he said ' all of you should suffer those who killed my life , I great king asvik cursed you to no have power no more to be born funny to lack power and treasure shall never be free until i daughter come back ' and of course all kingdom heard this so , every year when your birth time comes people wish not to give birth but all of them always do , this is where the prophecy comes it said ' in a blood moon eclipse on her 118 birthday she will come back and unleashes the truth ' that's all and a letters that can't be read " eve finally stop .

With all the information nessa finally came back to reality she noticed nothing change " don't worry i stopped the time so we didn't use any " and with that she wink at nessa and sat next to her ,

If great king asvik is nessas father it means she is now the new ruler of venus and that she has a hidden power inside her self .

When the class finished she went to the dining hall where all students ate , nessa is now facing the door and she noticed her hair change from brown to golden red and her eyes becomes violet and she is still wearing the dress but the flames on it now lightens , the door opened and the students look at her as she walks towards a table ,

She awkwardly sat there as most of the students looked at her in a bit angry face , a girl went to her in a blue dress with her hair up , " hey your nessa ? " she said in a sarcastic tone , " yes ? " nessa said slowly , " i heard your the 'princess' they said " with he reyes rolled in the word princess , " hmmm " is all nessa can say , nessa didn't looked up which anger the girl ,

" hey look at vivian she's talking to you " a girl in a black dress beside vivian said , " yes okay " nessa look up , a man delivered a food to nessa and nessa started to eat and didn't mind the people in front of her , " i said I'm talking to you " with that a force drag nessa to a wall really hard , with that everything went blurry ,

Nessa could heard the two girls laugh and the other students bickering , " a princess? AHa , you have no power do you ? " vivian sarcastically said , someone stand in front of nessa she could hear the girls protecting her and after a while she went flying , nessa opened her eyes again and look at the direction of where the girl fly and here she saw a little girl covered with blood while the other two just laughing and the students didn't even care ,

Nessa felt something anger boiling inside , its getting ho.t . Then suddenly " THAT'S ENOUGH " in a demonic voice

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I really hope you enjoy the story lolly , it's like my 5th time trying to write something .

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See soon....

Ai Ai NeSsa [ Book 1 ] The Lost TreasureWhere stories live. Discover now