The Shadow's Mark

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The road seemed deserted without a spec of any human activity in it. The breeze seemed to blow in a not so gentle manner as it welcomed a set of footprints into its midst, the leaes of the dry weather making their way out of the path as a sort of welcome to the guest. He walked in, steps calculated like a predator as those leather boots scraped against the floor in a gentle crease. But there was nothing so gentle about the owner. Hie eyes held the blazing look of a smoldering danger as he kicked away the empty can that lay on his path.

"Why me !! And what is it about anyways !!"

The man spoke to himself as made his way towards the dense forests that hid deep secrets. Too deep for mankind to even understand.

"I only asked to be resurrected to my position of the Chief. Why did Armaan send me to fetch some old woman !! Sarva naagin or was it Shresht naagin ? Whatever she is !! Why even send me to fetch her ! Wouldn't a been have been sufficient enough to just call the reptile !! It would slither out anyway"

He kicked a rock which hit against a tree. He scowled at nothing in particular as he walked again, cursing his older brother for his childish games. Minutes later, he came across an old palace. It looked abandoned and didn't really seem like anyone in their right mind would live in it.. But who was he joking. This was a snake's abode. And reptiles usually chose the secluded of the secluded places as their home.

He made his way towards the large oak doors that creaked heavily as he opened them. What surprised him was the fact that the ambience was clean and well kept.

"Does this reptile hire housekeeping to do the job of keeping this place clean ? So effortlessly spotless"

He looked around at the paintings and came to stand infront of a huge painting that showed a regal woman in a bright red saree. The name towards the end of the painting read "Naageshwari"

"This old lady is the reason why my dear sweet brother sent me all the way from Mussoorie for ?? Brother you have got to be joking me"

He felt for his pockets and took out a piece of paper from it. The crumbled piece of paper held lines of power. It was told to him by Armaan to read aloud when he wanted to summon the servant queen. Veer rolled his eyes but nevertheless, he read it aloud

"To she, who rules the world underneath the one of the dark.
To she, who has within her the stones of the five elements of the earth.
To she who guards the land of the mighty God of the mountains.
I call upon you, O serpent queen. Come forward, for the world that raises it's hand up to you in prayer now needs you."

He folded the paper again and perked his ears up for any movement. For a full ten seconds, there was nothing but silence that filled the chamber and the crickets of the forest slowly made their presence known.  The agitated man looked at the painting again.

"Old age got your strength ??! Not able to walk ?? I thought you slithered !!"

He huffed in annoyance. The full moon night's rays were getting to him and he knew he had to phase else it would be a catastrophe. His temper wasn't helping either. He turned to go out of the wretched palace when he heard it. A normal human wouldn't be able to hear it but a wolf never fails. It was there eventhough in the slightest sense. But it was still there. The sound of a step. And then another. The faint sound of an anklet pavef way for a clearer indication of a presence.

"So the great Naageshwari decided to grace with her presence afterall" he mumbled to himself.

"You really should learn to have some respect for those older than you, you know"

The voice guntly chided him. It didn't have a tinge of anger nor a taunt. He could see the silhouette of a woman from the faint light the moon threw in.

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