The Kidnap

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It was nearing dusk and Veer already had a Muder List in mind. He had killed three fellow students in his mind for having inappropriate thoughts about Professor Prathna (if you could call a crush as inappropriate). She was a professor for full moon's sake. And Prathna wasn't making it any easier. He recounted the day earlier when she had walked in.

She slithered her way around in two legs (was that possible). Her hips swayed with every moment she made and if he could, he would gauge out each and every single male eye.. He caught the eye of his older brother who warned with his eyes not to any ruckus. Veer snorted. Easy for this bespectacled centuries old wolf to say. His phone pinged with a message. It was from Armaan.

"I heard that !!"

" I wanted you to hear it. Seriously what is the need for these spectacles ?? I know you are centuries old. Doesn't mean you have to parade around like a sloth with spectacles"

"Get to class !!" Was the curt reply. Veer thought he heard a soft growl but ignored it and went ahead for his first class only to see the boys talking about "The New hot professor in town" His hands fisted tightly and he could feel his wolf squirming inside, wanting to come out until he heard a soft voice asking them to settle down. It was time for Prathna's class.

Veer ran a hand over his face. He unbuttoned the first three buttons on his shirt. Wasn't Dehradun supposed to be a cold place ?? Why was he feeling so hot !! He could hear a soft growl emmit from inside him as he could catch the emotional aura of another student. Another teenage crush on the English Professor. And Prathna wasn't making it easier. She spoke softly, gave dazzling smiles to people around and was gentle with everyone. Her tinkling laughter at one of the worst ever cracked PJs by some first year made him see red.

And it wasn't helping that his stupid prim and proper older brother was sending warning auras to stay put and not behave like a babbling bumbling baboon. Veer straightaway blocked Armaan Raichand from his mind, sending him away farther into a corner where his aura would just be a light buzzing. He couldn't wait for the day to get over so he could take his favourite Ducati out for a ride in the mountains and relieve his anger. Riding a bike and driving made him feel peaceful. He was so thankful when the bell rang and he was the first to rush out of the class, almost startling Prathna who was just announcing a small surprise the coming Monday.

Prathna had just packed up for the day in the staffroom. Her first day had been eventful. The staff were quite welcoming and the students were sweet too. Her only concern was that she could hear soft growls from Veer and she knew it was the wolf inside and not him. Hence she did not question nor stop him when he left the class when she was making the announcement. She looked up when she heard a knock and saw Armaan walking in.

"Had a good day, Prathna ?"

"It was good. The staff are really helping. The students were very helpful and even offered to help me at every step. They were such sweet souls but I think Veer wasn't feeling that good about it. Maybe because I am new here"

"So this was why that thick-headed brat blocked me out of his thoughts" he thought.

"Did you say somethig, Armaan ?"

"Nothing Prathna. He just left ?"

"Yes. I think he needed to phase. I could hear his growls from the last bench. Something must have triggered him. He looked sweaty too."

"Maybe. You can come with me Prathna. We can go together. If I know my 'Anuj' well, he would go straight home and take his bike for a ride"

"Are all those vehicles really his ?"

"Everyone of them. He loves his cars and bikes. He never lets anyone touch them."

"Why ?"

"His love borders on the line of possessiveness. You touch his babies, you regret. And that is one place I never want to touch."

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