Why So Down, Father? [2]

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(A/n I'm back at it again haha. Jeez my Christmas book is going well. Btw. Just a lil update! also I got Thanksgiving in 4 days- so who knows what'll happen then. It might be 3 when this is posted actually.)


Words: 1.2k

I sat on that couch and was bored out of my mind. I didn't bring anything with me. Everything was at the pizzaplex or at my grandparents. I miss my poor Nintendo Switch. I miss seeing the animatronics already. I miss dad. 

I looked over to see Vendi just looking so overwhelmed. His fingers laid on his temple. The CEO just looked completely out of it and frustrated. I've never seen his eyes soften like that unless Brydad was around. 

"Are you thinking about, Bryan?" I tried to make eye contact. 

"It doesn't matter. Is there a way I can get you better situated?" He refrained from eye contact. 

His eyes were glued to the computer monitor. I don't think he was actually reading or looking at anything. The red-eyed just stared dully at the screen. He was avoiding the topic so much. I know that isn't good for you mentally. I've seen dad break down before. I don't want to see the same with father. 

"It's ok y'know. Loss, it is tough." My eyes just softened and I felt teary-eyed a bit. 

He sighed and signaled me to come over to him, "C'mon, I feel bad now." 

I gave a smile and ran over. He picked me up and set me on his right leg. Father also ran his fingers through my hair. It was nice and a bit calming. That must've been why he did that. 

"It's going to be alright in the end," He whispered in a soothing tone, "I'll be here for you."

"You promise?" I spoke quietly. 

"Of course," he chuckled, "that is what I'm supposed to do isn't it?" 

"Yeah, some parents suck though." I pointed out. 

"I'm well aware." He sighed. 

"I'm tired." I commented after a few seconds went by. 

He pulled a whole stack of paperwork out, "That's alright, you can just rest on the couch." 

"What about you?" I hopped off and stood beside him. 

"I'll sleep later... I'm just not tired right now." He grabbed a pen and twirled it. 

"Ok, good night then." 

I just laid there on the cushions. There were not pillows or blankets. I guess he'll get some later for me? Maybe I should ask in the morning. It was getting dark out. 

Father just kept writing a little on papers and then flipping. He'd reread them over and over again. Probably to not miss something, but he was very thorough about it. His job looked difficult and so confusing. I would never want to do something like that. Maybe I'd like to learn how to make animatronics like dad...did.

"I'll get you pillows and blankets tomorrow." He spoke as he was reading my thoughts. 

"Oh! Ok." I acknowledged. 

He stopped what he was doing and looked at me, "I'm sorry about that." 

I made eye contact, "It's ok. I use to sleep in a sleeping bag! I'll handle it." 

I smiled and he frowned. He obviously didn't know that and probably just felt bad in general. He just got back to work and I was back to working on sleeping. It was a lot more comfortable then a sleeping bag. This couch was comfy. I think I can live with this especially when I get pillows and blankets. 

My eyes fluttered and I heard a ding notification come from a phone before I was asleep. It really didn't feel like a long sleep. I didn't dream of anything and only saw darkness. It wasn't a bad thing of course! I could've saw that nightmare again. Ignoring it will get rid of it probably. I think that is how it works, right?" 

I got woken up by the sound of chatter. I opened my eyes just to see the blinding light of the morning and Vendi chatting with some women. I decided to listen in and was greeted by the talk of some stuff about Fazbear's Entertainment. It wasn't anything interesting. 

He sat at the table closest to the elevators. He had his back turned to me and she was on the right side. 

I believe it was just some type of profit thing and something about animatronic design. The lady must've been some sort of engineer because she had blueprints with her and seemed to know a lot. She was using big words and I had a feeling she lost him a bit through the whole thing. 

I decided not to say anything. I didn't want to interrupt his meeting. It also might be a bit weird to see a kid sleeping on the CEO's couch for some reason. There is a lot of questionable things going on. She was probably questioning that, but refrains from asking. 

Change is always so weird. Like seriously ending up on a couch is alright I guess. Could've been the ground! I'll manage. Plus today we'll get myself some stuff to sleep with. I don't know why change is so bad and good at the same time. I wanted Vendi to also be my dad. I never wanted just one of them. Both would've been wonderful. 

I noticed he had his tea out. It was like his signature thing he kept around. I'm not much of a tea drinker. Might as well start learning how to become one if this is how it'll be from now on. 

I probably should just wait until she leaves or stay quiet. I wouldn't want to interrupt anything important! I wonder how long I'll be waiting though. 

I really want to see the animatronics again. I want to check up on them and make sure they are ok. I don't want them to think they are alone or anything. 

"I'll take my leave then." She grabbed some folders. 

"Alright, tata." He seemed completely disinterested in anything they were speaking about. 

"Actually, are you taking over the pizzaplex in that mall?" She seemed a bit nosy. 

"It's no secret. I just find it to be my most successful location that I don't believe anyone else can handle." He shared. 

"Oh, alright." She took her leave. 

"You can talk y'know?" He turned his head to look at me. 

I jumped at his awareness, "I didn't want to interrupt..." I explained quietly. 

He grabbed his tea and stood up, "Well, thank you for that then." He walked and sat next to me. 

I just had this sense he wasn't quite alright. Sure he wasn't much of an emotional person, but his eyes just looked so dull and sad even. It's the same look from yesterday. 

"You look upset." I narrowed my eyes. 

He gave a quiet sigh, "Yeah, well can't be so happy everyday!" 

I shook my head slowly, "Brydad found a way." 

"That was because Bryan was tougher, Gregory." He sipped his tea. 

"You're tough too though!" I spoke with confidence. 

"I'm not so sure." He gave a laugh. 

"Well, I'm sure you'll figure out how tough you are later!" I locked eye contact with him.

"You really are similar." Father gave a sorrowful tone.

(A/n welp... I've been in and out writing this- legit it's 1 day until Thanksgiving. It's legit in like not even 12 hrs. Less even. Goddamn... also my PC broke like 3 days ago. It's gonna be fixed prob the 25th. Dunno why I'm sharing that!
Also someone put me in a waiting to update list. U know who u r u gremlin. qnq)

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