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I tried to think but my ADHD was starting to kick in. No matter how long or hard I tried to think, I couldn't.

"Wait- Jade", Jordan said, "didn't you have a nutri-bar in your pocket? We bought somethings before we entered the school"

"Oh!! Thanks Jordan!", I smiled my cute smile. He blushed and looked away. He always does that. To everyone.

I searched for the nutri-bar in the pockets of my sweatpants. I felt something hard. There it was. I gave it to Jaylen.

"Oh thanks Jade... I'll eat it later"

"Yo, yo, yo are you kidding me??", Harlow said pissed, "so you fall half unconscious, because you didn't eat enough, and then when you have the possibility to eat something you don't want to?", Jay looked away, "if you don't want to do it for yourself, then do it for us"

He walked towards Jay and hugged her. She smiled. I definitely didn't.

After Jaylen had eat the the nutri-bar, she said she wasn't feeling good, so we decided to go to a toilet. Kevin, Jordan and Harlow stayed outside, and I went in with Jaylen. Just in case she needed help or something.

She went on her knees in front of the toilet and vomited the nutri-bar we just gave her + the water she drank before. I rapidly ran to the place where the toilet paper was, and took a lot of it, but instead of giving it to her, I cleaned her up. That seemed to warm her up because she stood up, and hugged me very tight. I should've been loving it but the smell of her vomit was killing me.

"Are you ok?? Jaylen seriously what is wrong? This is not normal", I asked. She opened her mouth to say something but a loud noise interrupted us. The noise sounded metallic.

"W- what was that?", I asked, "come on Jay let's go"

I opened the door and stepped out.

"Did you guys hear that?", Harlow asked us.

"Oh no we definitely didn't, it's not like that shit couldn't have left me deaf- Oh of course we did Harlow!", Jaylen said. I love her sarcasm.

Harlow put his hands up. Kevin chuckled. Jordan tried to stay calm but it didn't work. He laughed. We heard the metallic sound again.

"Now for real did you hear that?", Harlow asked smirking.

"I'm not deaf Harlow", Jaylen whisper-yelled.


We were walking downstairs. We arrived to the cafeteria. The first one we saw was Willow simply standing there with her phone in her hand.

"why did y'all take so long man? I was worried!"

Jaylen looked away, embarrassed.

"It's nothing just a little incident", Kevin started, "Nothing important"



We heard footsteps and turned around. It was Lacy.

"Oh hey suckers", she said in an exaggerated tone.

"Hey mommy", Kevin said smirking. Ew. I mean- we all know that they both make-out almost every day for hours, but their personalities are so different. Kevin is warm, she's arrogant. He's generous, and she's egoistic, but that doesn't seem to bother them much. They weren't officially together tho.

Lacy walked over to him and started kissing his neck. We walked over to Willow to give them little lovebirds some more privacy.

"Where's Delilah?", Harlow asked preoccupied.

"Oh, she said she would be back in a while", Willow said rolling her eyes. Is she jealous? You could hear kissing sounds in the background.

"Guys can you be quieter?"

Lacy blushed. Kevin smiled at me, took Lacy's hand and walked away pulling her. They were out of sight.


"Delilah!", I exclaimed scared. She chuckled.

"Where have you been?"

"In the toilets"

"In the toilets?"

"Shut up", she yelled.

"Hey guys I'll be right back", I said.

"Where are you going?", Jordan asked.

"I'm going to check something, don't worry"

I walked away. I seriously only wanted to check the other building to see if they were all really gone. I was out of sight. I walked towards the stairs that led to an entrance/exit. I kicked it expecting it to open. It stayed closed. God I was so dumb. It's obviously closed since it's now holidays. I ran (idk why i didnt walk🤷‍♀️) to the back door, expecting it once again to be open but it was closed. 'What?', I thought, 'They normally always leave the backdoor open'

I was frustrated. I walked upstairs to the 3rd plant to go and get the 2nd key. I knew where it was.

I arrived at that a a corner full of plants (tulips) and started digging in to find the copy of the letter I did, but it was no where to be found. How? I was so sure I left it there. I checked it a 2nd and a 3rd time without success. I was mad, but so sure I had left it there. Instead of going crazy on the tulips, I ran downstairs to the first floor. My plan was to open a window (the windows can only be opened from the inside) and climb out.

I arrived to the windows, and I was sure that I will manage to get out of this building, but no, I didn't. I tried to force the window open but it wouldn't let me. It was closed.

I tried every single window in that building once again, without success. Then I remembered. 'There's a switch somewhere that triggers all the windows closed. If I can find the switch I could trigger them all open', I thought. But the switch would not be easy to find. It's way too hidden.

'No way' , I thought, 'so the metallic sound we heard before was the switch! Someone switched it! But who? And... I heard the switch two times. Which means that the person switched it twice. But if I'm right, the windows would be open now, but they aren't, so the first metallic sound I heard was...' I searched through my sweatpants, '...my phone being flushed down the toilet, along with Jaylens vomit.'

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