• Equipment, Items, and Weapons Part 2 (Rewrite/Editing/Updated)

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Blades of Chaos

The twin chained blades that belongs to Zero are said to be sealed with an ancient entity that controlled the element of flames and fires to the highest degree and are able to melt through metal and rock itself, the Blades of Chaos is a weapon that seemingly possess a sentient mind of its own. Capable of finding their way back to their owner from anywhere and anytime, Zero never lost sight of his weapons no matter what. Despite its deadly properties, the blades are now used as common skinning knives and hunting weapons instead of their real usage.

 Despite its deadly properties, the blades are now used as common skinning knives and hunting weapons instead of their real usage

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Leviathan Axe

Another one of Zero's notable weapon, the Leviathan Axe is said to be able to control the element of ice and instantly freeze any target's temperature below absolute zero while being powerful enough to slay a leviathan, hence the name. Unlike the Blades of Chaos, the axe is a weapon that utilizes brute strength in order to slice through the armour and hide of enemies and monsters alike. However, now the axe has been reduced to being a mere woodcutter tool for logging and tree trunks.

 However, now the axe has been reduced to being a mere woodcutter tool for logging and tree trunks

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Light Bringer (A.K.A. Flaming Sword)

The Light Bringer, also called the Flaming Sword, is the personal divine sword carried by Izreldan, hence its name. This sword is immensely powerful, so much so that it is one of the most powerful weapons in all of creation. Lightbringer is powerful enough to kill humans, monsters, witches, pagans, fairies, demons, angels, and even archangels and even seraphim as well as injure Oracle. This was a gift from Lucifer (Helltaker) after he finished his time in Hell fighting and stopping the corruption of the Demon King. As the symbol of the power of the most favored archangel of all, Lightbringer is an immensely powerful divine weapon, rivaling the likes of Izreldan's Celestial Swords, and Ender Sword, and it has such power that it could easily kill anything lesser than a high-tier otherworldly being alone without even severely injuring the strongest entities in existence. While already an extremely powerful divine weapon, God would later increase its holiness and power. He would add that it is now powerful enough to be used against a Primordial Being. The sword can erect a powerful barrier of dark energy that can deflect and reflect any holy magic attack from Magicians or Angels. However, the shield cannot block attacks from Oracle or Michael. Upon God redeeming Lucifer and upgrading the sword, Lightbringer became able to emit blue energy barriers made of holy energy. These barriers are powerful enough to block attacks from the likes of Khorne. The Lightbringer is one of the sharpest swords in existence, said to be sharp enough to pierce through even Adamantium and even the most durable otherworldly beings in existence. It was so powerful that it even harmed Amara. By aiming the sword at a target, Izreldan could send out projectiles of dark energy that could easily shatter concrete. In addition, they were capable of hitting and injuring gods. It was later revealed that the sword was once able to emit holy blasts, but Lucifer's fall made it dark. Upon God restoring Lucifer's status and amplifying Lightbringer, the blasts became blue again and they were powerful enough to harm Ophis herself.

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